Breakaway - Investing & Finance

Covid, Taxes on Billionaires, Cyber warfare, TSLA, Meme stocks

Sean Hathaway Season 1 Episode 25

On June 15th CA is going back to normal...we'll see.  

IRS leaked tax returns of billionaires, like Musk, Bezos, and Buffet (but not Trump?).  Now there's a big uproar to get them and corporations to pay more. They actually pay a lot; it just very misunderstood.  

Cyber attacks on meat plants and pipelines. These don't seem like industries that are cutting edge tech; but they really f-up the economy when they go down.  

Tesla to reveal Model S Plaid, while Lordstown Motors discloses risk of bankruptcy.  

Meme stocks. CEO's of AMC and Gamestop are making literally $100's millions off of day traders.  Whatever. I wouldn't go near any of this garbage.