Breakaway - Investing & Finance

Markets, Money, Stocks, ETFs, Covid, Elon, NFLX

Episode 27

I've been gone for a couple of weeks so had to update fast on a million topics:

$3.2 trillion more govt spending. Inflation already thru the roof. 

Stock market up 16% YTD. Bless you if you own, NVIDIA, FB, MSFT, PYPL. 

CAPE ratio and other indicators are getting scary. 

Covid. We're masking up again in CA.  Love this authoritarian state and dictator Newsom. 

Metaverse! ETFs, like ARK and META. 

Elon defends Solar City purchase. Litigator in over his head. 

White house working with FB. Oh great, that feels right! 

Trump's CFO indicted.  Does anyone give a $hit?