The J Word: A Podcast by Journalism Practice

The J Word 1.7: Can News Stop Sexual Violence?

November 03, 2020 Season 1 Episode 7

In this episode, Andréa Baker and Usha Rodrigues, both from universities in Australia, discuss the global journalism of the #MeToo movement and the role of digital news, including VR, in creating change against sexual assault and harassment. Jing Zeng, from Zurich, talks about her study of 36,000 WeChat articles about sexual assault and harassment in China. Guests share insights on how journalists can better report these kinds of crimes and raise awareness of related issues.


Articles Featured in this Episode:

Baker, A., Williams, K., & Rodrigues, U. M. (2020). # metoo 2.0 to# meNOmore: Analysing Western Reporting About Sexual Violence in the Music Industry. Journalism Practice14(2), 191-207.

Zeng, J. (2020). # MeToo as connective action: a study of the anti-sexual violence and anti-sexual harassment campaign on Chinese social media in 2018. Journalism practice, 14(2), 171-190.

Produced and hosted by Robert (Ted) Gutsche, Jr.

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