A Beautifully Curated Life Podcast
The Beautifully Curated Life Podcast is where we talk strategy and story to learn how you can design the life you desire with more of what you love and less of all the rest. Coaching, guidance & education along your wellness and wonder journey. Hosted by your friend, Caroline Morey, professional creative, cancer survivor, beach lover, foster & adoptive mama, serial entrepreneur and business brand strategist. We're a little irreverent, part soul searching, part organization, a heaping dose of chutzpah, gsd!, wholly soulful and faith-based strength and creativity.
We provide inspiration to create and put your map into action, connecting the dots in community along the way. We share highlight of daily life as we share life and adventures, business, and events along the coast. Coaching, Creativity, Collaboration and bringing All The Good Things to you here at A Beautifully Curated Life Podcast.
A Beautifully Curated Life Podcast
Change Your Vibe by Taking A Break to Reset & Restore Life
Whether it's in a busy season, a time facing challenges in health, finances or business, there are some really simple wellness resets that you can do to reconnect with yourself and restore your energy. These ideas while simple and accessible are great ways that you can change your vibe, take care of yourself and be better able to face whatever it is that is a part of your journey.
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Hey there friend. Today we'll be talking about 12 ways on the podcast that you can take a break to reset and restore in this busy season to reinvigorate your life and to refill your resources so that you're able to connect and give generously in all the different parts of your life. Have a listen and hope you can put them into action. Take care. This is Caroline Morey with A Beautifully Curated Life podcast. We talk strategy and story to learn how you can design the life you desire with more of what you love, and less of all the rest. Listen in each week as we guide you and provide inspiration and education along your wellness and wonder journey. Hello, beautiful. I'm Caroline Morey, and I'm passionate about inspiring women like you to live your best life. Whether it's creativity and inspiration to start finding courage during life's hurdles, reinvent yourself or rebranding or a virtual neighbor and support to do life together. I'm your gal. I'm a creative coach and life designer in a sea of same. My story begins at the intersection of creativity, faith, wellness, and my own reinvention. I'm a photographer, storyteller and breast cancer survivor, serial entrepreneur, branding strategist and all around beach girl. I love to celebrate life with fireside chats, sharing healthy eats and soulful living. What is A Beautifully Curated Life? Simple as ABC 123. A Beautifully Curated Life is living intentionally and filling your life, your home and your work with more of what matters and letting go of all the rest. At the intersection of creativity, faith and wellness, I've crafted a beautifully curated life through reinvention - out of necessity. My cancer journey led to a better version of myself and a life filled with more of what I love. And it's allowed me to let go of all the rest. I'm going to share with you through our journey here on the podcast some of the steps that I took to make the changes that I needed to to become a healthier, better version of myself, able to be strong and face the challenges of dealing with cancer and overcoming it to get healthy and well and get back to my best life. The ABC life passionately inspired to teach you creativity, using your voice, finding and connecting to your source and defining a life for self care and being whole are the foundation for everything. Within that house will make room for spirituality expression, movement and motivation, nutrition, family, business, and constructing a beautiful life guided by intuition and principles that give you the grace to live & love more with less. Welcome to our tribe. We celebrate healthy, soulful, inspired living along the coast. On our podcast A Beautifully Curated Life. We talk story, overcoming challenges like illness and life setbacks, discussing tools and processes to create a healthier life filled with movement, meditation and motivation as a part of our feature Wellness & Wonder. Exploring creative processes as a part of healing life and work.
G.S.D. Getting Stuff(Sh*t) Done:life and business through coaching and education. G.R.I.T. Getting Real and Intuitive Tools. Dreaming big. The Clean Comfort Kitchen is a important part of building artful delicious veggie friendly foods that are nourishing and that come to life. And then our everyday adventures along the coast and in the great outdoors. In these moments that we've had of pause, sometimes we reflect and we realize that less really is more. Life is a mix of all the things so I have a real life approach as we start where you are now and dive deep to uncover a path to your goals. Pop in for a listen on our podcast each week as we provide inspiration and education and your wellness and wonder life journey. You'll find the podcast here and on the link below on our web page. We look forward to having you join us. If you'd like to hear more, check out our website. And we'll have some fun things that we'll be sharing each and every week that helped make your life a little bit more beautiful. Take care and we'll look forward to seeing you soon on the podcast. I wanted to share a little bit more on today's podcast about the idea that sometimes life gets incredibly hectic, whether it's from external sources, sometimes it's things going on in our lives. And sometimes it's just whatever is happening in the season. It's very important that we stop and take a break, take a pause in order to maintain our mental health, our physical health, as well as the rest of our well being. It's necessary for maintaining our ability to continue on a path of feeling good, being productive, being able to produce creatively or constructively in our life, being consciously and lovingly connected to our family. And in order to be constantly and lovingly connected to our family, and throughout our life's work, it always seems like these very full weeks happen in the fall, especially as holidays, approach, life and everything else just gets busy. And whether it's being an entrepreneur, or a business owner, wrapping up taxes around October 15, which some of us do, are working on taking an online education class, building out your business, or incorporating a new routine for fitness, nutrition, and wellness, whether it's doing any one of those things, it demands a lot of your time. But there are creative ways to fit it all in, give yourself grace, take a breather, and be able to have the life that you love with everything that you love in it. It's so important that we take a moment to reconnect with ourselves.(On the blog you can see what my view looked like...)This is what mine looks like is a view from one of my favorite beaches. And sometimes ironically, I use the beach as my office. I know that might seem pretty unconventional, but because we're all in the land of the pandemic, and we're all doing business a little bit differently. I had my morning call with a colleague here and went for a morning walk. I did my writing and journaling and my meditation and prayer. And then I had another phone call talked with Hubby, we changed some of our plans for work. And then we also making it my office, I did a couple of work calls. We talked about also our plans for the weekend. And we planned a date night. So it's incredible what you can fit in when you're a little creative with figuring out how to do life a little differently. It's so important that we also make the space to take that time for one another as part of our relationship, part of our family. And you'll see that even in busy seasons like the fall or as we head into the holidays, it's just important that you take that time and sometimes you simply put yourself first so that you have the time to feel reinvigorated, inspired and able to share and connect and reflect and give from a cup that's full. I worked with a coach many years ago. And she made a great illustration of reminding me that we simply can't share with others from a cup that's empty. She said it's so important that we fill up our own cup to the point where it's overflowing, so that when we share, we create a sharing energy from the overflow. And we're able to give generously in that way. So here's a list of I started with five ways and then it became 10 ways. And really, it's about a dozen ways that you can take a break, reconnect with yourself, fill up your own resources and feel good. So we'll call it a dozen ways that you can feel good, taking a break and reconnect with yourself. Number 1. A long walk in one of your favorite places. It could be anywhere somewhere that you take a little time off and go to or just somewhere around your neighborhood. But take a long walk deep breaths, swing your arms and get some movement in it will give you the opportunity to reset and get back to being your best self. Number 2. A scheduled call with an old friend. I did a call recently with an old friend and we just had so many memories talking about the days of her wedding, having travelled in different places, getting to share family stories and laughs and all the things we're going through now even the challenges of life up and down. It really was just a moment of pause and it gave me that energy to feel revitalized and to keep going. Number 3. A long bath or shower. Maybe this is my cancer self showing. I was born in July and I love being in the water. There's something about it that is just so soothing, whether it's soaking in a tub or being in a shower, the beautiful sense all the things that are subtle indulgences. It's such a great way to just take a pause and reset. Number 4. An indulgent night of deep sleep. Whether you're setting the tone with some aromatherapy, a spritz of lavender, or you have candles burning, and don't forget to turn them off before you get into bed. But just setting the tone, putting the most luxurious sheets on your bed, creating the lighting in your space that just says calm and setting everything so that it's just relaxing. And a place where you can settle in allowing yourself to get into bed a little bit earlier than usual. And just having the time to tuck away all of your devices. And really just enjoy being in that wonderful space and settling into sleep. Number 5 is finding a book you love. And maybe it's when you take into bed so that you can settle into that luxurious sleep. Number 6. One of your favorite movies, it always gives us good vibes and brings in some laughter and joy to have some moments of just enjoying something fun that takes us away a little escapism is always a good thing. Number 7. An afternoon on the water. Again, I think it's a little bit of my cancer self showing up. But I know that getting out in the water maybe on my kayak or in a boat with friends. It's just such a good way to get myself back attune to what really matters. Even just being there, putting my feet in the sand and having the waves lap over my legs. It just seems to be a place where it brings on a reset, it reminds me that there's more than this. And it brings about a sense of calm. Number 8. Taking your office outside. This is one of my regular getaway is to kind of maintain a little sanity, a lot of the work I do I spend a lot of the time on the computer and on the phone. And so sometimes just getting out of your office and taking your office on the road, wherever it may be if you have a favorite local place. Because even in the pandemic, there's places you can find that will work. And so I often go to the beach, and I have a couple of places that I love to use. It's quiet, I can do calls, I can actually get a lot done sometimes more than when I'm in the office space. And it's a great way to recharge and keep getting things done so that I stay on track the rest of the day. Number 9. Meditation and prayer. It doesn't matter where you are or at what time in your day. Oftentimes just a minute or two of meditation and prayer whether it's in the morning or in the evening, or maybe there's just a moment of pause in the middle of the day. It helps to reset it helps to change your vibration and helps to change your energy and sometimes just giving up the energy letting go and maybe giving up isn't the exact wording but it's offering up that energy. I remember something that my mom used to say about offering it up. But letting go and just putting the energy out there and trusting that what you need will come to you and that you're in the right place on the right path. It all brings it together. Number 10 This is one of my favorites. Do nothing. "Dolce far niente" as they say in Italian, My family's Italian so I know this one well and there is just a fine art to doing nothing. Whether it's taking a day in the middle of the week and giving yourself a little bit of time and grace or maybe on the weekend and indulgent morning of sleeping in having exactly what you love. And just being with the person you love. Finding the space for doing absolutely nothing is such a beautiful thing and being in a quiet meditative space with your own thoughts. Not really planning anything but just being able to be there and be present be still either alone or with one another. It's such a beautiful thing and it's one of my really truly favorite ways to incorporate the best parts of life in. Number 11. Enjoy your favorite drink and just unplug your phone. Put it on Do Not Disturb and enjoy 30 minutes of unadulterated me time. Whether it is your coffee, your green juice or a glass of wine at the end of the day. It's really a perfect way to indulge. Number 12. Sitting in the sunshine and unabashedly soaking it all in. A few more bonus... taking yourself for a beautiful meal. It can be simple or it can be complicated, something delicious that you love. Create this space Half the way and it'll all come, you'll find that incorporating these things into your life, it really does make a difference in resetting and restoring and reinvigorating each day, whether you're resting or on the run, be decadent. And do you time, be in the feminine make space to receive. There's a deep knowing that when we're out of alignment in our spirit, mind and body, giving yourself the gift of pause, grounding and focusing on what you do. Love brings you the joy that you need. And it returns you back to being in a place where everything connects hope you'll enjoy these concepts and these ideas and put them into action. And we hope you all have a beautifully curated day. We'll look forward to seeing you soon on the podcast. Take care. Hey, friends, I just wanted to share a little tip with you. I know that there's a lot of people out there who've been thinking about starting a podcast and they wonder where to start? Well, we have been using a resource called buzzsprout. And it has been the site where we host our podcast, we post all of our links to each of the episodes, and then it is sent out to each of the different directories. We really like buzzsprout they have a great Facebook page where we can share tips and tricks and all the questions that we're trying to figure out as we build up our podcast brand, and establish our place in the podcasting world. So if you want to learn a little bit more, you can check out buzzsprout you can start with whatever gear you already have in a quiet space. And if you want to upgrade buzzsprout has tons of guides to help you from the right equipment to the right price. They get your show listed. buzzsprout has connections to every major podcast platform, it's super easy and super efficient. You also get a great looking podcast website, audio players that you can drop into other websites, you can post them on your own website. If you check out ours you can see it there. You get detailed analytics and you see how people are listening. And you learn about tools to promote your website episodes and more. You can also learn about how to monetize your site. podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners, the team at buzzsprout is passionate about helping you succeed. Join over 100,000 podcasters already using buzzsprout to get their message out into the world. If you check out the link that is in our show notes, you can get a coupon for a $20 amazon gift card. If you give buzzsprout a try, enjoy checking them out. They're really great company. Hey friends, we invite you over to www.ABeautifullyCuratedLife.com. Join our VIP mailing list and you'll get our workbook on a beautifully curated life all the good things and you'll stay in the know on everything that's going on. You can pop right over to a beautifully curated life calm and click on the link to add yourself to the VIP list. Look forward to seeing you soon. Bye. Hey there friends. This is Caroline Morey from A Beautifully Curated Life. We hope you enjoyed listening today. And if you need a little bit of inspiration or a Kickstart to keep you going come on over to www.ABeautifullyCuratedLife.com where we have some great freebies, some workbooks and online education on the topics and movement meditation, your wellness and wonder journey as well as coaching and creativity. We also have some cool tools for branding, photography and imaging your business and when you need a little break from it all and you're just ready to get away some great ideas for adventure and grounding to round things out. So we hope you'll visit us at a beautifully curated life.com. Hope you all have a great day and we will look forward to seeing you on the podcast soon. Take care.