A Beautifully Curated Life Podcast
The Beautifully Curated Life Podcast is where we talk strategy and story to learn how you can design the life you desire with more of what you love and less of all the rest. Coaching, guidance & education along your wellness and wonder journey. Hosted by your friend, Caroline Morey, professional creative, cancer survivor, beach lover, foster & adoptive mama, serial entrepreneur and business brand strategist. We're a little irreverent, part soul searching, part organization, a heaping dose of chutzpah, gsd!, wholly soulful and faith-based strength and creativity.
We provide inspiration to create and put your map into action, connecting the dots in community along the way. We share highlight of daily life as we share life and adventures, business, and events along the coast. Coaching, Creativity, Collaboration and bringing All The Good Things to you here at A Beautifully Curated Life Podcast.
A Beautifully Curated Life Podcast
The World Is A Better Place with Your Voice In It.
The world is a better place with your voice in it. That's a quote by Ron Mayott. Today on the podcast, we're going to be talking about how you can advocate inspire and uplift when using your voice. And we're also going to give you some opportunity to put your voice into action and share it in the world. Have a listen. This is Caroline Morey with A B autifully Crated Life po cast. We talk strategy and st ry to learn how you can de ign the life you desire with mo e of what you love, and less of all the rest. Listen in each we k as we guide you and provide in piration and education along yo r wellness and wonder jo rney. Hey there friends, this is Caroline Morey your host on A Beautifully Curated Life, we're going to be talking about how your voice is a beautiful thing today. You know, whether it i in your work, communicating wit others, or expressing yoursel to vote, especially in life when you go through challenges illness or uncertainty, you voice is powerful. When I sa that, it comes from so man different angles. And while w all know it, sometimes it's har to use our voice is challengin for us to speak up. We don' know how to communicate, eve though we might be grea communicators. And I was havin a great conversation with m brother the other day, and w were talking about the fact tha you have one voice to use i this life. And what will you d with that. And so as I wen through my journey with breas cancer, I learned that I had t speak up, ask differen questions, things that weren' the usual, I had needed to say I need to do things differently I need to feel thing differently in order to trus the process. And to ask a lot o questions. And to get my need met, it's the same and you creative work or in you business work. That when you pu your energy 100% into wha you're communicating into you message, and you elevate you vibe. And even as I'm sittin here recording this, I watche my voice on the screen and I ca see the vibration that' happening. When you think abou how is it that our voice impact others? How it affects others how we're able to share it communicate a message and t help, elevate, change, an impact the world around us...It s a pretty significant thing. I know that in my journey going through cancer, they came to me and told me this is your diagn sis, this is what's going to ha pen. This is what we norma ly do. And this is the proto ol, we advise certain thing. And I grew up with paren s, both of whom worked in medic ne. And while I had a backg ound as a creative, but also s an administrator, a busin ss owner and a planner, I wasn' very good at sitting back and b ing told how things were going to be done. And so I asked a lot of questions. And in that proce s, I got to be better under tood; I got to be heard. They istened to what my needs wer. And in order to make the bes decisions for me through that process, I asked to do some thin s differently. And so I've lear ed also that in rela ionship both with people you' e close to family and frie ds and your community that putt ng yourself out there, even when you might be scared, when you might not be sure, or you mi ht not be certain, using your v ice, speaking the truth peaking -what you feel, it has a power to it that is invaluable. And there is just an energy with that, that when you connect with people and you share authentically, you share the real you share the hard stuff, you share the good stuff, you share the beautiful, amazing stuff that is all a part of our life. It changes your relationship, it changes the connection, it changes the vibration, and it brings us together and I've seen some really incredible things with how we can connect with people on the other side of the planet, just simply through our voice and also through image. But through the connection that we have and what we share with the joys and the laughters and the sorrows and the depth of our experience. And it all rolls into this experience of saying your voice matters. I've been doing some work learning about vibration, and how it reflects the energy as human beings. I've been doing some work learning about idea of vibration and how neuroscientists study and record, the vibration that we emit, and the type of energy that we have, and what sort of things affect it. And it's really very interesting because some of it has to do with interaction and voice. Some of it has to do with feeling and emotion. And I think all of these things play into our sense of wholeness and our sense of wellness. And so when you are using your voice in a way that connect and relate, there's an energy there, and it can elevate your energy and elevate your feelings. And I think as we go through life, when we get to have all sorts of different experiences, some days we are filled with so much good energy, so many good vibes, so many things that happen to us, they feel really great. And then there are other times and other seasons, where we feel disconnected, where we feel alone, where we feel very vulnerable, or we are suffering through a trauma or an illness, or a really hard season of life, where we just feel disconnected. I don't know if you remember, when you're a kid, and you would play like the telephone game, you know, everybody wanted to try and say what they had to say and connect with each other. And they hope that the other person on the other end heard the message that was coming through. But sometimes it just didn't work that way. So I guess what I'm saying here is, the more that you actually share your voice, and you put it out there. And when you're real and authentic, and even being vulnerable, the world is a better place with your voice in it. My brother actually said that to me the other day. And it was such a good reminder. Because it's true, you have a one life, you have one gift of who you are uniquely as a human being. And you have one voice, one vision to share. And so I hope that I can share some words of encouragement with you that you know, the world truly is a better place with your voice in it being expressed, I want to encourage you, there's a few ways that you can use your voice creatively, to stand up to connect when you share a story that tells what's happened in your life that might be hard or difficult, but talks about what you went through and how you got through it, and how you survived it. And how you made it through. You don't realize it always but a lot of times there's someone else out there on the other end, who actually needs to be receiving that story, maybe even more than you needed to share it. And so I know for me, when I began the idea of sharing my journey sharing my story through this podcast, and through the business that I've created, I was very vulnerable and not certain At first, I wasn't sure how much to share, where I should set up my boundaries. And the more that I allowed the channel to just be open and to share the information. And to put it out there, the true story just flowed. And as that story flowed, I interacted with more and more people. And they shared with me how much it resonated with them, or how they needed to hear it or how it inspired them to keep going through the season of dealing with an illness or with cancer or with a treatment, or how during times when business doesn't feel like much of anything, not the business we knew or no, it just allowed them to do things differently to make a pivot. And so I hope that just by sharing my voice, that I can encourage you in this season, and there's a bunch of different ways that you can start working on sharing your voice. And I'm going to just give you a few ideas here. And I would love to hear through comments and feedback what you guys try what works, what you would like to learn more of and what your response was to the sharing that you do and putting your voice out there. I think that when we journal is an excellent opportunity to use our voice. Sometimes we get to hear just our internal voice and we see the different stories and each of the stages and seasons of life that we're in from day to day today. And sharing through journaling is an amazing way of both clearing our brain allowing our emotions and our energy to process through and being able to To help to elevate our mood, and to just let go of things, I think it also allows us to move forward and to reflect. And I know when I look back at journals, and I have kept a journal since I was probably 10, or 11 years old, and I have a few boxes filled with them, it's incredible to go back and step through your life and look at your own personal history, and see what your story looked like and how you felt in the moment. And then, you know, some of the times it's silly and crazy and random. And some of the times, it's so incredibly profound. And as I look back through some of those moments, I'm really in awe, where the journey took me were writing and using my voice in that way, how it made the connection with myself even deeper, and allowed me to explore further some of the possibilities both in life creatively, and in connecting with others. A second way that you can share is, by doing a voice recording, there are people who do better with extemporaneously sharing and speaking. And so I don't know if you've ever done this, but just as an exercise, sometimes you can take your phone, and you can just do it on voice memo. And you can just speak sometimes it's so great to just go freeform, just as if you were talking to someone and actually record the entire piece. And I go back through sometimes I keep a lot of my creative process notes this way. Sometimes I have ideas for conversations, something for a project, I'm working on the podcast or for some of the different creative projects that I do, or business ideas or ideas for family and friends and gathering and community. And so there's a number of ways that through utilizing your voice and even in recording for yourself, you can incorporate that into something fun and useful. And that feels good. And it's wonderful. Another thing that you can do is I don't know if you've ever just played with GarageBand, on your computer or on your iPad. But there are a few features on there that one of the days that I was recording the podcast, my dog and my cat just decided that they were going to be in the middle of everything. And so we just goofed around and I recorded a few things. And you know, it was to the break I needed my day, I was completely silly and ridiculous and using these layers of the different ways that the voices emulated, but it was something that just made me laugh. And sometimes, you know, not taking yourself so seriously is one of the most beautiful things we can do. That's just something fun. And then if you're feeling a little bit more upbeat, you want to just like really like, you know, commit, do a video, you know, both for the purposes of the voice element. But also, you know, nowadays, if you go live either on Facebook or Instagram, the opportunities for interaction and connection are so broad and so wide. And it's just another way to put yourself out there in a really real authentic way that people respond to because can hear it, they can see it and they can feel it. And there's something about being able to hear a voice. And even though we're in this world where texting is so incredibly commonplace, there's still something magical and beautiful and so special about hearing someone's voice, the inflection, the intonation, the excitement, and the enthusiasm and the way in which they communicate. And it's unique to every single human being. And so I think those are awesome, fun ways that we can use our voice. And just, I encourage you to put that into play in your life. You know, whether you're going through just the day to day you're doing something creatively, or you're going through some challenges, I encourage you to try all three of those methods, utilizing your voice, you know, use it in every day, maybe send someone a little video or audio clip, just so that they can hear and connect with you in a different way. And see how it changes how things feel, how it changes your vibe and how it impacts you. I think there's a lot of great things about it that can make that can result in a really great interaction and elevate your vibe. It can elevate your tribe and it can help make life just a little bit better. So anyway, those are just some thoughts for today. I'm going to share a couple more things on vibration and on connection. Okay, come from the heart. We're in a season where it is a time where we have the opportunity to vote and I know that during this season, there's a lot of opposing thoughts on what people's Values aren't where they're headed. But I think the thing is, you know, ultimately, we have privilege here in the United States of America to use our voice and vote. And I know that in some of my past work that I did, when I worked with a major city here in Southern California, I helped with making sure that voters were represented and making sure that people understood the process and help them to have their voice heard and to be connected, the way that they could learn, become a part of the community become a contributing member of their city and their their community. And so I think that as we are in this season of election, important to remember that one of the beautiful things that we have here in the United States is that we have the opportunity to share our voice, and we have freedom of speech, and that we have the opportunity to connect, and to speak, and also to be heard, but I hope that you guys will all go out and vote based on what your needs are, and, and be heard. And I think also, it's a really important thing is that we go through this season, and in my experience, having come from a place of having been through some real health challenges that we look at, what does the picture look like both for you personally? And for others? And how does that impact others? And how does that impact our future and impact our children? And anyway, I just wanted to say go vote, use your voice use it well, and I hope that you all will do that. Hey, friends, I just wanted to share a little tip with you. I know that there's a lot of people out there who've been thinking about starting a podcast and they wonder where to start? Well, we have been using a resource called buzzsprout. And it has been the site where we host our podcast, we post all of our links to each of the episodes, and then it is sent out to each of the different directories. We really like buzzsprout they have a great Facebook page where we can share tips and tricks and all the questions that we're trying to figure out as we build up our podcast brand, and establish our place in the podcasting world. So if you want to learn a little bit more, you can check out buzzsprout you can start with whatever gear you already have in a quiet space. And if you want to upgrade buzzsprout has tons of guides to help you from the right equipment to the right price. They get your show listed. buzzsprout has connections to every major podcast platform, it's super easy and super efficient. You also get a great looking podcast website, audio players that you can drop into other websites, you can post them on your own website. If you check out ours, you can see it there. You get detailed analytics and you see how people are listening. And you learn about tools to promote your website episodes and more. You can also learn about how to monetize your site. podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners, the team at breads, the team at buzzsprout is passionate about helping you succeed, join over 100,000 podcasters already using buzzsprout to get their message out into the world. If you check out the link that is in our show notes, you can get a coupon for a $20 amazon gift card if you give buzzsprout a try. So enjoy checking them out. They're a really great company and have a great day. We'll see you soon. Hey, friends. So indeed, using your voice on a podcast is a great way to connect and communicate and build community. I really recommend tuning in listening and finding your niche finding where it is that you can share something, learn something new and be in the middle of an emerging space where we're getting to share some really cool things and connect with people from all over the planet in a new and different way. So you can communicate you can create and whether it's with a direct connect social media or on a podcast, you can use your voice, to inspire, to uplift to speak out for those in need, including yourself. You can advocate, you can set boundaries, you can vocalize. You can encourage mindfulness and clarity of voice. You can work on responding versus reacting. You can just shine bright and deliver through your voice, who you are, what you're made of and keep your channel open, sharing all of yourself into the world. Creating using your voice is such a great way to create and whether it's with one of the ways that we talked about already through the art of the pie. Cast, we are looking for guests for our podcast to uplift and inspire. On a beautifully curated life. We feature creativity, wellness and faith stories that share how you can create a beautiful life even despite difficult things. If you'd like to be a guest on our podcast, we're accepting applications for the next season, check out a beautifully curated life.com under the collaboration tab, and you can apply there thanks, friend for tuning in and spending your time with me, I hope you will use your voice, share your voice and connect in some new and different beautiful ways. If you'd like more inspiration or motivation to be creative, come on over to our resources page. We hope you guys have a beautifully curated day. We'll see you next time on the podcast by. So I'd like to do something a little bit different. In today's session, what I would like to do is I'm going to give you just a little bit of time and some really kind of relaxing, soothing meditation spa music. And I'd like you to just contemplate, reflect on what we talked about today. And think about three ways that you can actually use your voice. Think about ways that maybe you've thought of maybe something that you've always wanted to do, maybe something that scares you a little bit, maybe, maybe connecting with someone that you haven't talked to you in a long time, and just kind of encouraging you to open up the channel and connect. And so what I'd like you to do is just think about that while this awesome music plays and think about the next step you can take to make that happen. So enjoy, and I wish you well as you use your beautiful voice to connect in your community. Hi, you've reached Caroline Morey with a beautifully curated life podcast. Today we'll be talking for me, let's do it. My gosh. You got a beautifully curated life. I am so excited to introduce my name is Caroline Laurie and beautifully curated life today Hey there friends! This is Caroline Morey from A Beautifully Curated Life. We hope you enjoyed listening today. And if you need a little bit of inspiration or a Kickstart to keep you going come on over to ABeautifullyCuratedLife.com where we have some great freebies, some workbooks and online education on the topics and movement, meditation, your wellness and wonder journey, as well as coaching and creativity. We also have some cool tools for branding, photography and imaging your business and when you need a little break from it all and you're just ready to get away some great ideas for adventure and grounding to round things out. So we hope you'll visit us and a beautifully curated life.com. Hope you all have a great day and we will look forward to seeing you on the podcast soon. Take care