The Autism Mom MD Podcast

The Autism Mom MD Podcast Trailer

Carol Baltazar, M.D. Episode 1

A brief podcast to highlight what's in store on the journey to become a more effective advocate for people with Autism.

Commonly Seen Acronym brochure available on:

Music by Cody Kurtz Martin

Commonly Seen Acronym brochure available on:


ACM (Alternate or Augmentative Communication Method): Communication devices that are meant to assist those with speech or writing impairments

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, State and local government, public accommodations, transportation, commercial facilities and telecommunications

ADLs (Activities of Daily Living): Basic daily activities performed by oneself

AT (Assistive Technology): A tool that aids those with disabilities (e.g. text-to-speech, wheelchair)

BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan): A plan that may include strategies to help replace certain behaviors and promote new behaviors

CBM (Curriculum-Based Measurement): Models of a student’s growth in academics

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): A type of psychological therapy that aims to change behavior or thinking patterns in order to promote better mental health

DD (Developmental Delay): When a child fails to achieve developmental milestones at the average ages that they occur

DD (Developmental Disability): chronic condition due to impairment in physical, learning, language or behavior areas

DDA (Developmental Disabilities Administration): State agency that funds community-based services and supports for people with developmental disabilities

DORS (Division of Rehabilitative Services): An organization that assists people with disabilities in going to work

EI (Early Intervention): Services and supports directed towards helping young children with developmental delays and disabilities

ESY (Extended School Year): Special education and supports beyond the normal school year. This is not the same as summer school. The Individuals with Education Disabilities Ace (IDEA) says that local education agencies (LEAs) must provide ESY if a students needs it for a free and appropriate education (FAPE)

FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education): The Individuals with Education Disabilities Ace (IDEA) guarantees the right to a free and appropriate education for kids with disabilities. This includes special education with accommodations in a least restrictive environment

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): protects privacy of student education records

ID (Intellectual Disability): A disability that affects a child’s cognitive capabilities and adaptive behaviors (e.g. loss of hearing)

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act): Guarantees the right to free appropriate public education (FAPE) to kids with disabilities

IEP (Individualized Education Program): A special education plan that includes the accommodations and services a child would need to thrive in school

ITP (Individualized Transition Plan): Provides training and services to students with disabilities to help them prepare for life after high school

LD (Learning Disability): A disability that affects a child’s ability to learn (e.g. dyslexia)

LEA (Local Education Agency): Agencies responsible for monitoring the process of incorporating federal government education policies

LRE (Least Restrictive Environment): An environment that integrates special education students with non-special education students

OT (Occupational Therapy/Therapist): The practice of helping people do what they want/ need to do using everyday activities, exercises and other therapies. OT can help with developing fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and basic life skills

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports): A system of methods schools use in order to identify and support desired behaviors in school positive behavior strategies to students

PT (Physical Therapist or Physical Therapy): A type of therapy that helps one recover from injury and/or improve mobility

SI (Sensory Integration): A system brain processes allowing one to analyze and react to information gained from the five senses

SLP (Speech-Language Pathologist): A professional who helps individuals with speech, language, communication or swallowing disorders