The Autism Mom MD Podcast

Episode #1 - Introduction to the Autism Mom MD Podcast

Carol Baltazar, M.D. Episode 2

Welcome to the Autism Mom MD Podcast where we discuss empowerment, growth and inclusion for individuals with autism. I’m Dr. Carol Baltazar, but my patients call me Dr. B. I’m a wife, mom of 3 amazing kids, and an Internal Medicine physician. My oldest son has autism spectrum disorder. I created the Autism Mom MD podcast as a resource for parents, caregivers and individuals with autism. On the podcast you can look forward to episodes where I’ll have guests who will share their different expertise and rich experiences. The guests will range from people who are experts in their field to the people who live it daily...the parents, caregivers and individuals who have autism.

Disclaimer: The podcast is intended for educational purposes only and isn’t medical advice. Please talk to your doctor if you have questions. The views and opinions expressed by me are my own personal opinions.