The Autism Mom MD Podcast

Episode #12 - The Longest Relationship - A Sibling’s Perspective, with Carolyn Chen

January 12, 2021 Carol Baltazar, M.D. Episode 13

Today’s episode highlights siblings of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Siblings face unique challenges and often times play an important role in the long-term care and support of their brother or sister with these disabilities. 

My guest today is Carolyn Chen. Carolyn was the Sibling Support Coordinator for the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council where she organized the largest statewide conference in 2015 and 2019 for siblings of individuals with developmental disabilities. She is the younger sister by two years to Jennifer, who is learning disabled and is her inspiration to continually strive to be her best self. 

Disclaimer: The podcast is intended for educational purposes only and isn’t medical advice. Please talk to your doctor if you have questions. The views and opinions expressed by me are my own personal opinions.