The Autism Mom MD Podcast

Episode #15 - Non-public special education, with Reenie Kraft

February 23, 2021 Carol Baltazar, M.D. Episode 16

This episode highlights non-public special education and how it’s different from private school. If you have a child with a disability and you are concerned that specialized education needs are not being met in your public school, you have the right to request that the IEP team consider a non-public special education school placement. 

My guest today is Reenie Kraft.  Reenie is an ASD mom, elementary school teacher, Certified Reading Specialist, a parent special education coach, and was a member of Friends of MANSEF (Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities) for 6 years.

Disclaimer: The podcast is intended for educational purposes only and isn’t medical advice. Please talk to your doctor if you have questions. The views and opinions expressed by me are my own personal opinions.