Help and Hope Happen Here

Nick Giallourakis is the President and Co Founder of the non- profit Elephants and Tea. On today's podcast, Nick will discuss his non profit which focuses on the adolescent and young adult population and their cancer battles.

February 17, 2022 Mark Levine Season 139 Episode 139

Nick Giallourakis's brother Steven is a 4 time cancer survivor, a journey which began when he was 15 years old. As a result of that, the Giallourakis family started the Steven G Cancer Foundation. 
Nick decided to add to his family's efforts by starting his own non-profit, Elephants and Tea.
This non- profit focuses on the adolescent and young adult cancer population, which is a group which can go unnoticed as it falls right between the lives of  Pediatric and Adult cancer patients.
Nick will talk about his novel organization which publishes a beautiful quarterly magazine, written by patients and others who have a direct knowledge of what it is to experience a difficult disease at such a difficult time in their lives.