Help and Hope Happen Here

Lorna Day will talk about her son Sam who passed away after a long and difficult battle with Ewing's Sarcoma in 2016, and the Foundation she set up in his honor to fund research for the most difficult forms of Pediatric Cancer.

June 13, 2022 Mark Levine Season 2 Episode 172

Lorna Day's son Sam was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma in 2010 and went through an arduous treatment ordeal that included losing his left leg and right foot to amputation. After Sam's very unfortunate passing in 2016, Lorna set out to help other pediatric cancer patients and their families as she set up her Sam Day Foundation in honor and memory of her beloved son.  As its' core principal, this foundation focuses on trying to fund research for the most difficult pediatric cancers including many of the Sarcomas and Brain Cancer.
Nicknamed the "Hope Junkie," Lorna will talk about the many programs that she has initiated through her foundation in the Pacific Northwest, as she strives to accomplish a goal of getting as many people as possible involved  in this Pediatric Cancer fight from that area of the country, and especially in her home state of Oregon.