Help and Hope Happen Here

Mandy Spielvogle Powell and Steve Passagno will discuss their well known non-profit the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer, which has developed many innovative programs to make lives easier for Pediatric Cancer patients and their families.

Mark Levine Season 2 Episode 174

Mandy Spielvogle Powell is the Managing Director and Steve Passagno is the Treasurer of the non-profit  the Coalition Against Childhood Cancer. Mandy and Steve will discuss the many programs that this world wide organization has implemented to make their non profit a major factor in the fight against Pediatric Cancer. 
With their focus being on coming up with less toxic treatments, pediatric cancer awareness and survivorship, research and treatment, and family support, their non profit brings people in from differing backgrounds to collaborate with each other to find the best solutions for these most difficult problems that face pediatric cancer patients and their families.