Help and Hope Happen Here

Laura Sobiech will talk about her son Zach who passed away from Osteosarcoma just after his 18th birthday, and the amazing legacy that Zach created which will live on for many years to come.

Mark Levine Season 1 Episode 64

Zach Sobiech was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in the fall of 2009 and passed away in May of 2013, just after his 18th birthday. In today's Pediatric Cancer Podcast, Zach's mother Laura will detail his amazing battle with this disease and his legacy which will live on forever. In the last year of his life, Zach produced and recorded a song called "Clouds" which rose to number 1 on I Tunes and has been viewed 12 million times on You Tube. Laura wrote a book detailing the last years of Zach's life called Fly a Little Higher, (renamed Clouds)  which was the basis of a movie which came out in October of 2020 also named "Clouds" and is available on Disney Plus.