Help and Hope Happen Here

Courtney Durante will talk about her daughter Lilli whose cancer battle inspired her to start COSTUMES FOR COURAGE, which in one year has distributed 250 costumes to kids in 41 states and 6 countries who are battling cancer.

Mark Levine Season 2 Episode 116

Courtney Durante's daughter Lilli was diagnosed with an Optic Pathway Glioma Brain Tumor when she was 4 years old. Lilly decided to wear a different costume to each of her year long chemotherapy sessions . Now 7 years old, Lilly is doing very well health wise. In honor of Lilly, Courtney started the Non Profit COSTUMES FOR COURAGE which provides costumes to pediatric cancer patients in hospitals in the United States and other countries. Because of Covid this non profit did not truly get its start until October of 2020, but has already provided 250 patients in 41 states and 6 countries with costumes that help to make their cancer treatments easier to endure.