With R' Moshe Baruch Kaufman discussing Rav Aryeh Leib Lipkin (1839 - 1903) and his Sefer Ohr HaYom on Zmanim
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With R' Moshe Baruch Kaufman discussing Rav Aryeh Leib Lipkin (1839 - 1903) and his Sefer Ohr HaYom on Zmanim
Mar 25, 2024 Season 5 Episode 35
Nachi Weinstein

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> To contribute and help publish the 2 volume "Adirei HaTorah" on Chumash by R' Aryeh Ganz: https://www.rayze.it/seferadireihatorah/

> Listen to the episode with R' Aryeh Ganz & R' Shimon Szimonowitz where we discuss R' Ganz first sefer and his style:

> To purchase the new edition of Sefer Ohr HaYom: https://judaicaplaza.com/products/8837116

> We discussed Rav Aryeh Leib Lipkinā€™s bio, his connection with his uncle Rav Yisrael Salanter, an overview of Zmanim, 72, what the Sefer is trying to do, new edition, and much more 

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