With R' Moshe Maimon discussing his new edition of the writings of Rabeinu Avraham Ben HaRambam
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With R' Moshe Maimon discussing his new edition of the writings of Rabeinu Avraham Ben HaRambam
Jul 26, 2020 Season 1 Episode 22

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Show #22. Exclusively for the Podcast.
Witn R' Moshe Maimon discussing his new critical edition of the writings of Rabeinu Avraham Ben HaRambam (Abraham Maimonidies), a biography of Rabeinu Avraham, his style of learning, similarities to his father and more
Also discussed is R' Maimon's own Kuntris "Ma'atikei HaShmueah" with glosses of Rav Shaul Alter

To Purchase the Seforim:
Ma'amar Al HaDrashos V'alHaAggados: https://www.ebay.com/itm/R-AVRAHAM-BEN-HARAMBAM/392868012226?hash=item5b78c220c2:g:bNwAAOSwcQRfB9UZ

Bereishis: https://www.ebay.com/itm/R-AVRAHAM-BEN-HARAMBAM-Commentary-on-the-Torah/372870295843?hash=item56d0cd3123:g:MbQAAOSw0MRd7uZr