> We discussed the Amsterdam community and Ets Haim Yeshiva, the Journal/Shu't Pri Ets Haim, Dicta & AI's role in bringing this material back to life, how AI works with texts, and much more.
> The newly released Pri Ets Haim digital edition: https://peh.dicta.org.il/
> Dicta homepage: https://dicta.org.il/
> The University of Toronto link: https://pehh.library.utoronto.ca/
> Here are specific dicta links to the Pri Ets Haim material I specifically referred to
> Hakdamah by Moses Gomez de Mesquita: https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-005.0
> Tshuva on Marranos https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-449
> Tshuva on Slaves https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-478
> Tshuva on Ship Insurance https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-188
> Tshuva on Sefer Torah https://peh.dicta.org.il/book/prietshaim/prietshaim-407
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