Finding Your Five with Jen and Drena

Be the Best Version of You- Tony Abbott

February 02, 2021 Tony Abbott Season 1 Episode 29

There’s only one Tony Abbott and there is only one of you!

Be the best version of yourself by being great at what you do, instead of trying to be great at what someone else does.  Tony has unlocked the secret to monetizing your passion and doing what you love. 

When Tony’s father in law asked how he was going to support his future wife and family, Tony he simply replied he was going to hunt and fish for a living.  Fast forward from the young adult who had this dream; he has now built a successful brand, business, and life doing just that. His journey, motivated by his love for the outdoors, has taken him on a phenomenal ride. He humbly states, “I have lived the life of one hundred men.”  

Check out this episode and be inspired to live a life built around doing things you love and striving to be the best version of yourself, instead of a counterfeit version of someone else.