Healthcare Plus Podcast

46_The Power of Performance Excellence and Purpose: Lessons from Hospice with Chris Comeaux

Season 2 Episode 46

Chris Comeaux’s company, Teleios Collaborative Network, recently had four of their hospice organizations in the top 50 on the Modern Healthcare Best Places to Work list. This week, Quint talks with Chris to discover how he marries performance excellence and purpose to create a place where people really want to be. Comeaux shares how workplaces of the future will create purpose-driven communities that support each other through tough times and help everyone perform at the highest level. 

 You’ll learn:
- How to use “Mission Moments” to inspire gratitude and fulfillment and fight burnout
- How to infuse purpose into role descriptions that go beyond just a list of tasks
- Why learning plans are vital to driving performance excellence
- How to break down learning and development sessions into bite-size chunks that can be absorbed virtually
- How and why to adopt a more holistic approach to goal setting

 Chris Comeaux (KO-mo) is an award-winning expert and lifelong student of leadership and the performance required to truly be a leader. He has spent his life and career researching, learning, coaching, and implementing the pushes and pulls necessary to create high-performance leaders and high-performance organizations. Chris is currently the president/CEO of Teleios Collaborative Network (TCN).

Chris Comeaux, CPA, MLAS
President/CEO Teleios Collaborative Network

Management By Strengths (MBS) 
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