Guided Harmonies: Music & Therapy

GH - Nurturing

Season 2 Episode 5

Do you sometimes feel isolated when you are struggling or sad, even though there are those around you who try to help? Sometimes when we need comfort, we feel the most alone.  Allow yourself  to be nurtured by this week's episode. My podcasts are intended as therapy; Every episode is different and may evoke a different emotional response. Seek out the ones that work for you when you need them. I offer personal Guided Harmonies sessions over the phone. Want your own personal composition? Check out Guided Harmonies on my website:

Welcome to Guided Harmonies, a podcast where I put words to my therapeutic music. My name is Margaret Dahlberg and the music for today’s episode, Nurturing, was created for a who maintains a quiet, external calm that creates a sense of peace for those around her. The words for today’s podcast are inspired by the sense of instability we currently feel on the planet. Before we begin I’d like to tell you a little about how this works. Sound is created through vibrations of different frequencies. Different parts of our bodies also vibrate to different frequencies. When musical vibrations match physiological vibrations, these parts of your body will respond and bring you a greater sense of well being.


Let’s get started.


Find a quiet place. Sit back and close your eyes. Lie down if you are able. Let the music do its thing!


As the music surrounds you, think about the act of comforting someone, or being comforted. What do we do? See if you can visusalize a moment where you were either the comforter or the comfortee? Was there physical contact? Perhaps an embrace? Was there rocking?


As you sit with this, notice your breathing. Is it deep or shallow? Do not change anything, just notice. Now, see if you can ever so subtly deepen your breaths simply by picturing the air entering each cavern of your torso, from your pelvis up to your shoulders.  Be gentle as you do. 


Return to the image of offering or receiving comfort. Think about rocking or being rocked. It is a soothing movement. 


This music is designed to offer you the experience of being rocked, embraced and loved. The rhythm of the music is intentionally unbalanced, to create a physical sensation of moving & swaying. 


Who in your life have you been close enough with to have found yourself offering comfort? As you fill your torso with breath, think about each person and focus on the warmth and love you share.


Who in your life has offered you comfort, past or present? Take a moment to breathe as you think about your experiences. Perhaps when you think of this, other feelings come up. Perhaps you haven’t received enough comfort. Maybe the comfort you have received has come with a price tag. Maybe you are always the one giving and are not given enough. As you ponder these thoughts, just notice and breathe. No matter what is coming up, you are safe and cared for right here and now. 


We are always not taught how to comfort others. We do not always know how to help our loved ones. We do not always receive the soothing we need. But we try. We try. And why do we continue to try? Because we love and are loved. Sure we do not always feel cared for. Yet we are cared for. Our loved ones may not know how to help us feel better, yet when it comes right down to it, they do love us. 


We all do our best to care for one another, yet we do not always end up giving those we love the most exactly what they need. Nor do we always get exactly what we need. And this is ok. Because underneath these efforts there is love. Love and intention is what matters most. 


Continue to breathe gently into your heart, allowing the breath to expand into your ribcage, belly, pelvis and shoulders. As you inhale, imagine those you love most. As you exhale, allow yourself to drop any expectations that those loved ones have not met. They are doing their best, as are you.


Allow yourself to be rocked and cared for by this music.. You are so perfect, just as you are. You continue to do your best and this is what is important. And you are loved.


As you feel the swaying motion of the music, allow yourself to feel nurtured. . . cared for. . .  embraced. . . loved. 


Check in with your breathing. Begin to increase the intensity with your inhales as you anticipate opening your eyes. When you are ready, take a deep breath and open your eyes.


Thank you for joining me today.