Guided Harmonies: Music & Therapy

GH - Perpetual Imperfection

Season 2 Episode 9

As we co-exist with Covid-19, there is an underlying perpetual sense of uncertainty and stress. This episode moves us into a place of trust, despite the instability we are feeling. These podcasts are intended as therapy - I like to call them "micro-therapy" because you can feel a sense of wellness in a matter of minutes when you listen to them. Cheers!

GH – Perpetual Imperfection


Welcome to Guided Harmonies, a podcast where I put words to my therapeutic music. This week’s episode, Perpetual Imperfection, addresses the ongoing uncertainty and unknown we are currently managing on a global scale.


Let me tell you a little about how this works. Music affects us because it vibrates at different frequencies, meeting the various vibrations of the human body. I add the words to help guide you through the experience. The impact has a therapeutic effect. 


Let’s get started.


Find a quiet place and sit back or lie down. Close your eyes and let the music do its thing!


As the music surrounds you, check in with your body. What can you sense? Do not change anything, just be curious. How deeply are you breathing? Are you holding any tension in your body? Your jaw or neck? Your solar plexus or belly? How about your shoulders or hands? Your eyes or you face?  Just notice.


As we sit in our restricted worlds, wondering what the next months will look like, there is an ongoing sense of distress. There may be moments of positivity, and yet still there lies a perpetual feeling of uncertainty.

 We have lost our sense of FOUNDATION ON A communal and societal level. 

 Imagine your world is an infinite deck of playing cards. Everyone in your life is represented by a different card. Your loved ones, your friends and neighbours, your service providers, your clerks and cashiers, even the strangers you see. Now imagine this deck of cards has been thrown up high into the air. Picture these cards floating downward just like feathers would, as the light catches them as they waft back and forth in the breeze. These cards are so high up and we have no idea where or when they are going to land. Nor do we know what they will look like when they do. 

This is our reality. We do not know as much as we are used to knowing. And we are rattled by this lack of insight. We try to find our footing, yet it still feels as though it is not yet solid.

Check in with your breathing again. How deeply do your breaths enter your torso? Can you feel your ribcage expanding? Does the air move your belly ? Do you fill your entire chest cavity? Just notice.

 Now as you inhale, see if you can gently move the air further and further into your torso. Invite these breaths to move toward your pelvis and into your shoulders. Can you allow your ribcage to expand and contract with each deep breath?

 Imagine there is a feather floating around you. This feather will connect you to your physical self. As it draws your attention to different parts of the body, Do not focus on any story you may have of its imperfections, just allow yourself to notice.

Picture the feather delicately stroking the tips of your toes, as well as the arches and tops of your feet. 

Now allow this feather to circle around your ankles, moving up your calves and back down your shins. 

Let the feather delicately move around your kneecap and toward the back of your knees before it moves up your hamstrings, down your hip flexers and back up your quads.

As you continue to breathe, Picture this feather circling your glutes, hips and pelvis. 

Allow that feather to move into your lower back, circling your belly and waist. Let it move around you torso & ribcage plus your solar plexus.  

Let the feather gently tickle the area around your heart and chest, moving to your shoulder blades and extending out to your arms.  

Feel the feather on the palm of your hands, moving up your thumb and each of your finger2, one by one. 

Invite this feather to lightly stroke the back of your neck and throat. Move it to your jaw bone and lips. Your cheeks and temples. Let that feather brush your eyelids and forehead. Now allow it to move around your ears and finally through your scalp. 

 Now watch this feather float away. Above your head and high up to the sky. Picture it getting smaller and smaller as it leaves your field of vision. 

 Notice your breathing again. Can you feel that your body breathes smoothly and easily with little effort on your behalf? You may trust that your body will breathe perpetually, for You could not stop this process if you tried. 

Feel this sense of trust as you breathe. Allow your body to feel immersed in this sense of trust.