Guided Harmonies: Music & Therapy

GH - Resolution

Season 2 Episode 10

Happy New Year! 2020 was a doozy! Here's to making 2021 far better. This Guided Harmony was written to help you start off on the right foot: shedding that which you wish to let go of and adopting that which you wish to improve. 

GH – Resolution


Welcome to Guided Harmonies, a podcast where I put words to my therapeutic music. Today’s podcast, Resolution, is my New Year’s Day episode. As you listen you will have an opportunity to further reflect upon how this year will be different for you. 


Let’s get started. Find a quiet place and sit back and relax. Lie down if you can. Then just close your eyes and let the vibrations of the music and words guide you into a better place. 


Take a moment to notice your breathing. Do not change anything, just be aware of what your body does to move the air in and out. When you inhale, what part of your torso fills easily ? Your chest, ribcage or belly? As you exhale, Can you feel your diaphragm pushing the air from your belly to your solar plexus? 0:52 Is there a moment for you when your inhale completes and your exhale begins? Or Perhaps it’s more a of a blurred line instead of a conscious start and finish. Take some time to consider what this is for you. 


As 2020 draws to a close, it is a time of endings and new beginnings, much like your inhale and exhale. This year has been particularly taxing for all, on many different personal and social levels. 


Consider the pandemic in 2020. What was particularly difficult for you? How did it challenge your existence? What did you lose? What was it like for to discover the differing opinions between yourself, your loved ones and your community? Notice your breathing as your mind fills with thoughts of these challenges. Often, as we consider stressful thoughts our breathing shallows. Do not change anything, just notice.


Regarding this pandemic. What did you learn about yourself that you are proud of? What coping mechanisms did you discover that made things more manageable? What opportunities did you create that helped you discover your stamina or endurance? What do you know of your own resiliency now? How did your loved ones or your community come together to support one another? As you consider these accomplishments feel a sense of expansion in your torso as it opens itself up to each new breath. Do not force or push your breathing, instead feel a welcoming sense expanding from your chest to your ribs, belly and shoulders.  


Take some time to consider other aspects of your life, continuing this exercise of moving from the negative to the positive while monitoring your breathing: Think about your family and your relationships; your career and finances, your friends and you community.  As you consider these subjects, start with the challenges and notice your breathing. Now move yourself to the accomplishments and feel your breathing expand. 


As your year resolves, you reflect what matters most to you and decide what parts of your life are asking you to shift your focus. What changes do you want to make? What do you want to do better? You are strong and capable. And you are ready. As you consider your readiness, breathe in those expanded breaths.


As the music fades, consider that You may bring this exercise to your everyday life. In the blink of an eye you may shift from experience a contraction in your thinking and breathing, to an expansion. All it takes is noticing. 


As you consider opening your eyes, take a moment to prepare your breathing to become more active. Do not rush to continue with your day, instead allow yourself to ease in gradually. 


Thank you for joining me today.