Guided Harmonies: Music & Therapy

GH - Stagnancy & Motion

January 15, 2021 Margaret Dahlberg Season 2 Episode 12

After even a quiet year end, many people are experiencing 'the January doldrums'. This week's podcast visits that feeling we can get when we're stuck in an area of our lives. It could be in a relationship, friendship, career, our diet. . . certainly we are all quite stuck in the Covid environment and will be for a little longer. . . give this a listen and find a new sense of inspiration to try to move forward. Do you want your own personal Guided Harmony? All we need to do is talk about your challenges and I will create one for you.

GH - Stagnancy & Motion

 Welcome to Guided Harmonies. A podcast where I combine my words with my therapeutic music. My name is Margaret Dahlberg and today’s episode, Stagnancy & Motion, was created for those of us who find ourselves in such a difficult situation that we have stopped making any efforts to evoke change. My words will combine with the vibrations of the music to connect with the vibrations of your body to bring you a greater sense of well being.

 Let’s get started. 

 Find a quiet place, sit back or lie down and close your eyes. From here you can just let the Guided harmonies do their thing. 

Sometimes we may reach a point in our lives where something feels stagnant. Like we’re stuck in a static existence and that nothing will ever change. It can be in any relationship we have – with a person, a career, our health and so on. . . 

Have you ever been on a walk that doesn’t seem to end? And the scenery doesn’t seem to change? It feels like you are never going to get anywhere. Yet If you turn around, it will be just as far in the other direction? You are exhausted and the walk feels pointless. You joylessly take one step after the other, feeling unfulfilled.

Check in with your body as you consider these words. How is your breathing? Is it deep or shallow? How much movement is there in your ribcage as you inhale and exhale? Now invite yourself become completely still. Do not breathe and hold your body firmly. This is what it physically feels like to be stagnant and stuck. Now let that go and gently allow yourself to breathe normally again. Notice the physical and mental relief you feel once you allow your body to resume its natural function.

Think about what it felt like for your body to be passive and immobile? When we are holding ourselves, although our body does continue to function, it becomes shallow or laboured, often creating a sense of physical and mental exhaustion.

Check in with your body once again. IF your breathing has stilled as you consider these words, Gently encourage your body to take in a little more air. Do not force anything. Just allow your ribs to expand and contract. See if you can invite your breaths to move down toward your pelvis and out toward your shoulders. 

Where in your life are you yearning for change? What is that something you have been struggling with SO much that you have become completely passive, and taking an active role to change it feels pointless? 

What if it is never too late?

Think about that thing you want to change. The difference between the state it’s in now and how you yearn for it to be seems huge, doesn’t it? Like it would take moving a mountain to experience that change. But what if it only takes one small movement to begin a shift?

Imagine you are a child again. You are on a sandy beach and can hear the water, birds and the sound of other children. You join some of those children playing in the sand. They are digging deep trenches and then watching with joy as they pour buckets of water in to make streams. Now imagine a moment where one child takes a small stick and begins to carve a new path. Within moments, that water has carved a new trench for itself in that child’s indentation and all it took was a small motion with a stick and one person’s notion. . . 

All it takes is one small action to move from being stagnant to creating motion. It could be one simple choice, such a searching for a genuine complement for someone you have felt judgemental toward and or it could be one moment of simply choosing not to take another bite of that tasty food you judge yourself for eating too much of.

Every big change starts with a single gesture. What could your small gesture be? That small gesture alone will guide you to the next one, and then the next. . . 

Noone deserves to be stagnant. You are worthy enough to ask for more from your life.

Take whatever time you need before you either continue with your day, or you sink deeper into your current sense of relaxation. 

Thank you for joining me today.