Guided Harmonies: Music & Therapy

GH - Tranquility

January 29, 2021 Margaret Dahlberg Season 2 Episode 14

RE-RELEASE! Now that I've upgraded my production equipment, I will gradually remaster my earlier episodes. Who doesn't need a little tranquility in their lives, especially these days? Let the music and words bring you into a greater state of relaxation and positive mental health. I like to think of these as sessions of 'micro-therapy'. You can find calm when you remove the thoughts that clutter your brain.

Welcome to Guided Harmonies. A podcast where I put words to the music from my Music as Therapy Albums. Before I begin, let me tell you a little about how this works. You see, we know that the human body vibrates. For the most part, we don’t notice it because the vibration occurs at very low frequencies, also known as infrasonic waves. The cool thing is that Our heartbeat, respiratory movements, blood flow and internal organs each vibrate at a unique frequency. So, the sound vibrations in this music will stimulate different parts of your body and bring the focus away from the most active and conscious areas of your brain 

Let’s get started. 

Find a quiet place and sit back or Lie down. Close your eyes and let the music take you away from your stresses.

This episode is called Tranquility. The music is designed to move you into a place of peace and serenity.  

Allow yourself to breathe as you need. Notice your Inhale. . . and your exhale. . . is it deep or shallow? Don’t try to change anything, just Feel your ribcage rise and fall at it’s own pace.

Listen for the 5 different sounds in the music. There are crickets, a train, a stream, bass violins and a piano.

Tune into the peaceful chords of the piano. Their vibrations connect to the central digestive tract in your body. It functions to separate the nutrients from the unnecessary food particles in your diet. Imagine if your thoughts could be sorted in this way and you could unconsciously separate the valuable thoughts from the unnecessary ones.

See if you can hear the continuous low string bass sounds. They will connect to the lower organs in your body that work to eliminate the waste. IMagine if you too could ever so simply eliminate your mental clutter?

As you Listen to the sounds of a summer night in the country Think about your fondest memories of summer nights. With each breath that you take, focus on that memory.

For many of us, the sound of crickets evoke tranquil images. We often hear them while curled up and preparing for slumber, whether in a cabin or a tent, pleasantly fatigued after a day of vacation fun.  When have you enjoyed the sounds of crickets at the end of your vacation days?

Listen for the stream and allow it to create a soothing atmosphere for your mind. As It moves continuously it will gently cleanse and bathe that which it passes over. At the same time, this water is sustaining life. Imagine this cool and refreshing water washing over your body from your head to your toes. 

Do you hear the distant train? Trains take us from one place to another, whether it’s in our memories, our imagination or in real time. Where will your train take you? 

Tranquility is a positively calm state of being. Breathe in as the music fades and notice your calm. 

As the music has drawn to a close, take one last breath and feel the state of your body. Do not rush to open your eyes. Allow yourself to come back to consciousness in your own time.

Thank you for joining me today.