Guided Harmonies: Music & Therapy

GH - Internal Obstructions

Season 2 Episode 14

This week's episode explores how we tend to get in our own way when trying to move forward. It encourages you to get to know where you tend to hold tension or resistance, even when you think you are relaxed and open. Enjoy this mini session of what I like to call "Micro-therapy".  If you'd like me to create a personal Guided Harmonies, custom made for you with the essence of you built directly into the music, you can find me here:

Internal Obstructions 

Welcome to Guided harmonies, a podcast where I put words to my therapeutic music. My name is Margaret Dahlberg and today’s episode, “Internal Obstructions”, invites us to consider our own patterns that can prevent us from moving forward. My words and music will lead you through an internal exploration. The frequencies in the music will connect to your body and its vibrations. By the way, if you are enjoying my podcast, please consider rating it on your download site. This would help me gain a higher standing on the site and potentially reach a larger audience. 

Let’s get started:

Find a quiet place and sit back with your eyes closed. Lie down if you are able. Then just let the Guided Harmonies do their thing:

As the music surrounds you, be curious about the state of your body. Notice where you sink heavily against that which you are resting upon. Could you still be holding the tensions of the day? Check in with your neck, jaw & shoulders. Scan your lower back, up your spine to the base of your skull. Feel your hips and your legs. Are your hands clenched or relaxed? Do eyes feel active or do they sink deeper into their sockets? There is no need to change anything, this is information for you to process subconsciously.

Now be curious about your breathing. Notice if there is any holding in your throat, ribs or chest? See if your inhales move toward your belly or pelvis? Do your breaths extend out to your shoulders from your chest cavity? You are learning about what you may hold onto even when you think you are relaxed.

What do you dream about? If you could change anything about your life, what would it be? Take a moment to compose the story in your mind. Where are you? What are you doing?  How is your life different? Now imagine you are living that change. How do you feel in this new place?  Check in with your breathing as you consider this sense of freedom. Are you breathing more easily or with more flow or depth? Just notice. 

Now consider what would you have to change in your life to make this happen? Aside from the current pandemic, what else stands in your way? Take a moment to reflect on your own external obstacles. Check in with your breathing. Just be curious. Now check in with your body – has any tension returned? This is information that will teach you where you carry your stress even when you think you are relaxing. 

Consider what you know about yourself and your own internal challenges? Do you tend to get in your own way and if so, how? What would really happen if your external obstacles were removed? Would you have the motivation to make that change? Or is there something inside you that would stand in your way? We all carry some inner obstacles that prevent us from living our best life. It can often come from a Fear of failure or perhaps not feeling worthy enough. Sometimes we become so attached to our own discontent, we even fear our success.  What is it for you? 

Check in with your breathing. Have you grown more still? Sometimes we get smaller as we think of our personal challenges. Our bodies move inward, our breathing becomes shallow and we hold ourselves more firmly. What do you notice? Allow yourself to learn without needing to change anything.

As you inhale, invite your breaths to gently find their way down toward your belly and pelvis. As you exhale, allow your ribcage to collapse as your diaphragm moves the air upwards. See if you can gently inhale through your nose, and then delicately exhale out through your mouth. Play with this for a while. 

Notice your body and your breathing now. Have you managed to create more of a sense of expansion? Do you feel more space in your inhales and your exhales? Is there a deeper sense of heaviness in your body where you felt tension before? Take some time to explore this in your body. 

If you can create physical change by simply noticing the tensions in your body, then you can also make subtle changes by simply noticing your own internal patterns. Just because you fear failure or do not feel your own self worth doesn’t mean you cannot learn. It can be as simple as inviting your body to take in more air. 11:38 We cannot make ourselves feel a deeper connection to self-love. But we can invite ourselves to learn. And we can do this without force: with gentleness and subtlety. 

What small thing could you do to invite a change in your perspective? What tiny loving gesture could you explore that would support you to feel more confident in your ability to build the life you have been searching for? 

Even listening to this episode is you taking action to create internal change. These changes may begin with subtlety and yet they will grow and expand over time. These are authentic and lasting changes. And all it took was you saying yes to being curious and noticing. 

If you need to open your eyes and continue with your day, take the time you need to ease yourself back into consciousness. Take a moment to feel appreciation for yourself and your choice to invest in your own well-being.

Thank you for joining me today.