UnScripted: Authentic Leadership Podcast

5 Immediate Proven Business Strategies To Business Success! Feat. Dr. Jeffrey Magee #Podcast #Leadership

John Lebrun & La'Fayette Lane Season 3 Episode 44

In this episode, John and La'Fayette are joined by special guest Dr. Jeffrey Magee, A C-Suite Advisor, Human Capital Strategist, Best-Selling Author, and Performance Magazine Publisher! Leaders, Are you trying to strategize on how to effectively move forward with your business? Dr. Magee gives 5 immediate proven business strategies to business success and more within the episode that will propel your business to heights unknown! Hit that PLAY and SHARE button to hear more of this amazing conversation on how to implement these proven business strategies that will take your business to the next level!

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Welcome to the Unscripted Authentic Leadership Podcast, a podcast we are seeking to lead change while also seeking to understand we are also here to provide a platform for leaders to come together to unite the development of our other leaders in the areas of business, family, safe and community. I'm your host, Lafeyette Lane, joined by my co-host, Jon LeBrunAnd today we are joined by a very special guest, Dr. Jeffrey Magee. Those of you that will watch this and listen to this. Put those clap emoji's, Put those hands together for my special guest today. He is here to talk to us about the five immediate proven strategies to business success in the new global economy and other leadership principles. We are excited about the conversation that we are getting ready to have with Dr. Mujeeb. Before we get into that, we definitely want to say thank you to our unscripted audience, those of you that will follow us. There are part of our Youtube audience that you see there on the bottom of your screen that have subscribe to our YouTube channel, Unscripted, Authentic Leadership. Those of you that are part of our social media platforms, they are on Facebook, unscripted, authentic leadership on Instagram at unscripted leadership. Our LinkedIn profile out there is unscripted, authentic leadership. Those you that listen to the podcast, you're part of our listening audience. You can stream our podcast on any platform that podcasts our stream from Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, our radio, Stitcher, Pandora, anywhere that you can find our podcast, you can type in on Scripta authentic leadership. You can find our podcast there. Those you that want to connect with us on our website, unscripted, that's leadership. Dot com. We have a special merch promotion going on there on our website. When you sign up for our unscripted club email group, you will receive a 10 percent of promo code once you sign up for the unscripted club email group. Listen, I'm not going to delay it any further. John has on some of that merch there. I want our special guest, Dr. Jeff McGree, just to tell us a little bit more about who he is, what he does, where he's from. And again, we say thank you for coming on at this time, Dr. Jeffrey McGee. Thank you very much, gentleman. And I appreciate the opportunity to share. So let's let's do the very brief. Who am I? Get down to the better questions that can help the viewers. I'm a farm boy from Colorado that escaped on an athletic scholarship to go to college in Kansas, spent some time in Kansas City in journalism, loved journalism that got very discouraged in the 80s without negative and bitter. Journalism is obviously not that way today at all. So that took me into a Fortune 100 root in one thing after another. Are our careers all evolve, Longchamps? Just things happen. We don't see the reason for them. But part of success is looking backwards in the rearview mirror of life and seeing what our different experiences have given us, how we can take wisdom from that to become a better individual, a better leader. Today, I get the opportunity to work with business owners and leaders across the globe tapping into their human capital at levels they never thought possible to attain greater levels of success. And along the route, I get a chance to also work with large corporations, small military generals, profit nonprofit. But it's all about leadership success. It's incredible. Those of you that will listen to this. You just heard Dr. McGee is more than qualified as our special guest to bring on to talk about various leadership topics. And I cannot wait to get into this. I want to start off, Dr. McGee by asking just a simple or what can be deemed as a simple question. Can anyone be a leader with your own authentic leadership podcast? We talk about leader. We've said many times that everyone is a leader in their own right. Whether you have one person following you, 100 or thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of people, that everyone is a leader in their own right. What is your perspective on that? Can anyone be a leader? You know, it's a great question. It's kind of like what came first, the chicken or the egg? Our leaders born or are they created? The answer to all four of those is yes. Yes, yes and yes. So can anyone be a leader? You know, I remember years ago that magazine I've had the fortune of trying to publish for 30 years is Professional Performance magazine. And Shaquille O'Neal was was it was a very interesting interview, the first NBA player to have a master's degree. Now he has two PhDs in. One of his comments was his parents didn't cry when he became a basketball player and was making tremendous amounts of money. They cried when he went back to school and got his college degree. You know, education is the one thing once you have it, no one can take it from you. I mean, Youtube gentleman can lose your houses, your clothes, your cars. But again, as Benjamin Franklin said, the person who empties their purse into their head will never be bankrupt. So it's about knowledge. And if you work for that perspective, yes, anyone is a leader in a vacuum. Someone something will always step forward. So first of all, you are a leader of. Yourself, you know what, you choose to do nothing or do something, either one of those were a choice. Again, I tell people, you know, that that again, the difference between success and failure is actually nothing. I mean, a lot of people spend billions of dollars trying to hawk their wares as they do. There should be more successful. What I recognize, again, 31 books translated into 21 languages that I've written. It always comes back to the same thing. We as human beings are going to do five things. There's no way you can stop it. It's going to happen. The difference is, do you channel these five toward success or towards failure? And it's the same thing with a leader. I mean, leaders are going to be there. You're a leader. If you are negative, you're a leader. If you are positive, you're a leader. If you are optimistic and have an abundance mentality and see the pie can always be enlarged or you're a leader when you put people down and have to toss people under the bus. You're a leader when you don't say something. I mean, a lot of times lack of communication is massive communication. And today, the problem in this world we live in doesn't matter your race or ethnicity, your gender, your education, your background. We have a tremendous amount of people that are basically engaged in rhetoric and non fact. And if you lack the knowledge and wisdom to be able to make critical decisions and have critical thought, you can be led down the road by some very disingenuous people. So I've just given you five different answers to, in essence, leaders. You're a leader, whether you like it or not. And you can see leaders all around us, whether they are they're loud or whether they're quiet. And sometimes the best leaders don't say much, but people follow them. Absolutely. Let's dig into that a little bit more, because you talk about those five things that what are the five critical factors to leadership success and why five, what are those and how can we implement those as leaders? In a great question. Let let me if I can, Lafeyette, let me park that to the side and let me let me give five other facts and then we'll come back to those, because I just kind of said something. I don't want to confuse our listeners. So let's back up the psychology for a second. So every one of us, what we have in common is that five things happen every day. Whether you wake up on time or you wake up late, doesn't matter. That's called a statement. Something caused you to wake up. But the five things that take place is every day we are behaviorally going to do something. We go to training programs to learn how to do something. That training is training us behaviorally to do certain things. So once we are consciously taught to do something behaviorally, then the second word, if you if you wanted to start writing words down as viewers, is that first thing in life is we do things out of behavior. That's a conscious act. Once we behaviorally learn how to do something, then the second level of behavior I call it basically is habit. Habits are subconscious behaviors. Once you do something consciously long enough, it's kind of autopilot. You're doing it without necessarily thinking about it. That manifests to the third level of behavior, which is what I call personal sops standard operating procedures this morning. You know, if you or I were to wake up and drive to work, let's say, and it's the way we drive to work day in and day out. Well, the first time we drove to that new job, we were consciously aware behaviorally what to do and how to get there. After a couple of days, it became second nature. It's a habit. We're not really paying as much attention. A couple of weeks later, it's autopilot. You remember getting in the car. The next thing you remember is getting out of the car. How did I get here? And that's how a lot of people operate. So third level behavior is kind of that personalized S.O.P. Once you do that long enough, then the fourth level of behavior I call this basically ownership level. You take ownership of the way you do things. And here's where businesses succeed and thrive. It's also our businesses tend to fail and where we get in trouble, because once any one of us take ownership of the way we think , the way we do things, it's all that my way or the highway mentality. Then the fifth level of behavior kicks in, which is what I call emotional. You emotionally take ownership of your way of doing things, and most people then become very defensive when someone suggests a better way or a different way or the other way is outdated. So that's the first level of five is just coincidentally, five is going to be both of these answers. Your question. So first thing we have to recognize that you're going to go through those five stages everyday folks, whether you are aware of it or not and whether you like it or not. So the choice then is if I'm doing these five and I'm butting my head against the wall and I'm not being successful, then back up, do the same five in another direction, learn smarter behaviors that will allow you to be more successful, whatever it is you're doing. So that becomes your new habits. So that becomes your personal S.O.P. So that becomes what you take ownership of and that's what you emotionally buying into. So change another one of your your opening comments. We could talk about change management as well. So when I talk about in management and leadership, there's five levels of of what I recognize successful leaders go through. First, you've got to understand that performance psychology tells us these five things are going to happen. So when someone says, come to my real estate program and I'll teach you how to be successful, but come to my investing program or teach how to be successful or come to my exercise program or teach how to get into shape or come to my. Fill in the blank with whatever all that they're doing is, they're going to show you new behaviors that you can make those habit forming, that you personalize into your lifestyle and changing culture and environment so that you'll take ownership of doing other things so that you will emotionally get to where you want to go. So I just blew up a trillion dollars worth of industry right there. Success or failure? You're going to have one of those two and getting there is the same route. Now, with that, here's the question you actually started to ask first. But I wanted to lay the foundation. So what I recognized in business, any business in the globe, I've got a client in the U.K. I'm working with doing video work, just like we're doing here with this podcast. I've got a client in Berlin, a client in Brazil, clients all across North America. All of them have been incredibly successful in the past twenty four months, while a lot of businesses have imploded because they've done these five. Number one is strategy. You ought to be successful any business just like your podcast. There's an obscene number of podcast programs today, especially in the last twenty four months. It seems like everyone with a mouth or a podcast, just like anyone with fingers, thinks they're a writer or a blogger. The difference is, what makes you two gentlemen successful is you're coming at it from an authentic standpoint. Oh, there's a novel. Thought maybe we could call the program that. So when you look at the word authentic, then that means all the B.S. has to be moved off the table. And this is where, again, you can call people out as politely as you want or as boldly as you want, but you call people out on what does work and you call people out on what doesn't work. So that's part of a definition of many of the word authentic, real or genuine. So number one is strategy. What's your strategy? What's your business plan? What's your values drive strategy, what your vision of where you want to go that drive your strategy. Lack of strategy causes lots of noise and confusion in a market space. So what is your strategy that goes to number two, the word ops. All of your operational systems, processes, procedures, how you do things will be born out of what is your strategy, what is your strategic intent? So whenever I work with a new leader, I take these five, I've only given you two, and I use in this way, I'll say, OK, so John, I'd love to come in and work with the organization. You're building out right at 300 million right now. You say you want to become a billion dollar company in the next 10 years. So help me understand, what is your strategic intent? What is your strategy, where you're trying to go? Why do you want to go there? What makes you different? How are you going to do that? So I can just battery all those great questions, but go on to strategy every time. What are your values? I'm going to find out what John's values are, and that'll tell me whether or not his strategy has any feet that's going to walk or run. If there's any inconsistencies, I can see. In essence, if they're in alignment, there's a buzz word of the day. So strategy, then we'll look OK operationally for us to accomplish this strategy. Here's operation, what we need to look at or the human capital we need to bring into play, et cetera. Third, the third element then is going to be behaviors that gular behavior of my first model. So behaviorally, who have to do what? What time of the day do mean to do this? What sense of urgency? Sharpless was a client. Mine for many years is generally Southwest Airlines again, profitability for 50 consecutive years, the last year with the Covid of twenty twenty. Take that off the table. Well, it's interesting. In the airline industry, they're the only airline to be profitable every year they've been in business. They can turn a plane in 13 to 22 minutes with three employees on the ground. They typically get three additional flights per day per jet. They're a union shop. But the way they were built from day one is that everyone has skin in the game, but everyone understands the strategy. When the planes on the ground were losing money. So everyone has a sense of urgency to get the plane on the ground, turn it, get it back going. If you've ever flown Southwest, you experience that other airline, sometimes mimic that. Anecdotally, they do that. But System-wide, a lot of airlines struggle to make that happen because their strategy is wrong, their ops are wrong. And behaviorally, no one wants to get off their button work. I'll be real blunt about it today. We need people that want to work. Gallup organization has massive research. Pause for a second. So the three first of the five words I've given you, strategy, ops and behavior. Any good business book talks about that. Any good business school talked about that. Those three concepts are nothing new. Lafeyette, your question. So then you've got to and our viewers have to say, OK, then Magoo's, why are so many businesses not as successful as others? It's because the first three everyone knows the difference is the next two for the total of five. Number four is the word execution. The end of the day, someone has to shut up and do the work. Look at the success of your podcast, Youtube. Gentlemen, do a tremendous amount of work before the camera ever rolls. And see, this is the fun time for the three of us if McGhie ever shuts up. So this is the fun part. But there's a ton of work that you have to do before and after this. That's the execution. So, again, the problem we have in North America more than anywhere else globally I go is in North America. We have this endless long line of people that are all envious of what someone else has or what someone else has accomplished. But I've never seen the line of people envious of the work it took to get there. See, that's the problem. So execution is what differentiates the mediocre from the successful. So that's level four. And level five was the word accountability. So the five levels of business. Success in any business strategy, ops behavior, execution and accountability, and there's levels of accountability. Again, if the first level of accountability in a house is parents taking accountability for what's going on. If the first level of accountability in the business is the boss taking accountability for what's going on, you will never have a successful house or successful business, because that's the last level where accountability, the parents and the boss are last on that list. And that's what people pay me, an obscene amount of money to figure out what number four, three, two and one is on accountability. And that was wow. I think we're done. Like what? The brain is about to explode. I love the accountability thing. We will come back to that, I'm sure all at Lafayette. And then it actually I have some questions, but you start off. Oh, OK. Yeah. You talked about those five critical factors and your level of expertize. A few of those areas is the capital development, the business building. Talk to us about what you saw from businesses, entrepreneurs in the year 2020, what you saw in the DNA, the fiber of that company. You talk a little bit about when you talk about the sovereign bonds. What was in that DNA that caused them to thrive through situations as the pandemic and even going forward, that did not stop them. Because it was something that was in the thread in the fiber of their company that they already had before 2020. What did you see? Brilliant questions. So there are several responses that let me let me start with these one. So I live in Las Vegas at the time of this recording. And during twenty, I lived in a high rise condominium on the Las Vegas strip. So for any of our global viewers today, if you've ever been in Las Vegas, just visualize that. So the Las Vegas strip has roughly 10 Major High-Rise condominium complexes along that strip from downtown to the to the to the far into the strip. Thousands and thousands of residents living living vertically. So I remember going out for my walks and jogs down the strip during the height of 2020. And it's closed. I mean, you could literally walk or jog the entire strip and see maybe two cars, the entire length of it. It was a ghost and it was surreal. So in that there are roughly 85 restaurants excuse me, 85 percent of the restaurants on the Las Vegas strip that were closed during Covid are still closed. Twenty four months later, basically, or are partially open. So those restaurants, when they were open in 2019, you have millions of people coming along Las Vegas strip. So it could be anywhere in America. So just break this story down, folks. Scale it up or scale it down. And so whether you are really that good didn't matter, because with millions of pedestrians, you've got pedestrian traffic. Someone's going to fall inside your restaurant whether they liked your food or not. So by default, you could be good. Now, a lot of the more celebrity chefs, because that was the formula. So a lot of celebrity chefs are like any business a times businesses are started by entrepreneurs that are passionate about an idea they have. And the ones that are successful, to your question, Lafeyette, also understand salesmanship. They understand how to sell their idea. They understand how to get out there and get their hands dirty. A lot of celebrity chefs. The reality this been a long time since they actually had to go out on the streets and talk to you and grab you to come into your restaurant. That's a long time ago since they actually had to organically do advertising and marketing. And that's why a lot of them have imploded. And that could be with any business. So, again, in good times, you don't have to be that *bleep* good, to be blunt. And you can still make a good living because it's it's a matter of turn's it's a matter of numbers. But what Covid provided to us and so I tell my business audiences will walk out on stage and working with organizations. Covid has been the best Christmas present a business person can ever ask for because it just keeps on getting. It shows stupidity at levels of stupidity that Hollywood could never even ride up. So here's what happened. So let's say Lafeyette, we own a small restaurant in any town in America and cowbirds just hit. And your governor said basically you have to shut down, which is not what any governor said. What the governor said in lots of states was you can't have anyone coming into your business in twenty, twenty. I didn't see one Starbucks with the drive up window go out of business. Did you? I didn't see what McDonald's, Taco Bell or Panda Express with the drive up window go out of business. Did you? So it's interesting. So we have to be able to flip the mental paradigm. So here's the first answer, everyone, to Lafayette's question. What did I see them doing? You have to embezzlers be able to flip paradigms in a nanosecond every day of the week. You cannot become comfortable and become complacent with the way you do things is great because someone's going to come up and kick your butt. Competition's always looking for a way. And if you're successful, they're going to mimic you and try to take the next level. So the first thing, if you own that restaurant, let's say John's the manager and I work in the restaurant, and whether I'm the chef or whether I'm the dishwasher, whether I'm the director of the door. Well, we should have done was like, wait a second, all of us come together. See, I'm a big believer. The. The two most important roles in in the post 2020 era that you need an organizational chart. ZULAUF Yet let's go back to the CEO, the company, the two most important roles you need is not the typical org chart would have you as a CEO, you draw a line down and horizontally you have all the rest of the seats, whether it's the CFO or the CFO, our et cetera. There's actually a new org chart that right below the CEO, you drop down just a little bit. There's two roles there. Then you drop down to the rest of the C suite. I think what Covid has proven and I've been writing about this for decades and people have not been listening. And a lot of them are the ones that got in deep trouble in twenty. Twenty is the two most important roles you need in your business as your CFO and whatever title you're going to give you, a human capital person, your role, your chief human resource officer or your chief leadership officer or whatever those two times are, because the most important assets you need is the CEO. Your business of today. Tomorrow is nothing else in your business chart, just to make everyone stressed out your money and your people, because the money and people you have don't work for you. The competition and the money and people with competition have you don't have on your ledger, but anything else? Buildings, equipment, it's legal. I hate to pop bubbles, but any of those other people, they can be found. So those Youtube biggest assets are now back to the restaurants on the Vegas strip. So if you would have come to us and said, why is it, guys? What can we do so we don't have to shut this restaurant down? Then one of us, whether mean the employee or John management or you, the CEO and chef, one of us were said, wait a second, these 10 high rise condos in Las Vegas strip represent thousands of homeowners just vertically instead of smashing it down and call it a suburb. So if we went to every one of those high rise condos online and said, you know what, my name's Lafeyette Lane. I have this celebrity chef restaurant. We want to keep our people employed. We realize you have thousands of people live in your building. There's a mail room somewhere in your building that all the restrooms come down to get their mail every day. Can we put some signage in that area? Can we put some menus here? Can we bring free food to the people working here in the morning? People working at lunch? People work in the evening because if our food's good, they're going to become ambassadors and we champion our restaurant, everybody. Imagine at the beginning of twenty twenty, we actually there's a company called Uber Eats, or we realized we could rework our website instantly for order out or drive up or people could walk up and get food. Our restaurant probably would have made more money in twenty twenty than it did at twenty nineteen. And I can prove that model because there's a Starbucks between where I live in the strip that have huge walk in traffic every day and has a drive up and at the end of twenty twenty I asked the manager one day as I'm going to the drive through that exact question what was your revenues like this year with your store closed except the drive up compared to nineteen. Before I finished the question, she started laughing. She said we made more money this year with Covid in our lobby locked down. Then we made the year before. So again, that's an example of business leaders get stuck in their way. They don't realize their number one asset is their human capital. That's your number one asset. They don't engage their team and make them a partner in their success. They don't give them skin in the game. They don't give them a way to bring their creative DNA to the office every day, as they say. And natural businesses get in trouble. And what confuses everything from flight times as well, back to you guys, is there's a ton of consultants out there in the world that have no clue what they're saying. And they're creating confusion for people like me and you. They're trying to be successful because there's a lot of one hit wonders. If you look at the resume, they've never had a job for more than two years, but they're going to give you advice. Well, there's a clue. If they never had a job for more than two years, they pretty much probably sucked. There you go. Yes. Yeah. So it's funny you mention that story because we've been talking for a while about how people have to be willing to make a pivot or recognize when the pivot is appropriate. I'm not saying pivot all day because you'll never go anywhere, literally. You just go in circles. But if you think about basketball or so forth, but you have to be willing to recognize when you have to like make a slight tweak to go in the proper direction. And Lafayette's mentioned that multiple times. So what you had mentioned is funny, because we just talked about this for the show, that their strategy and their values have to line up. Can you talk to that for a minute, because how does how does. I'm assuming you go into it, you know, at times we'll go into a leadership, ask what your strategy, and then you'll say, what are your values? And they probably get very silent, as in they don't know what the values are. They might know their core personal values, but do they line up with the company values with this strategy? For example, we had talked about before this show about a certain mission statements and so forth. And what is our next what is the strategy that we want to implement on a product or service? And does it line up with our core mission statement and our values? And we had that conversation just an hour ago. So what about with a large company or any company as far as what is your strategy and the values line up with that strategy? How do they know? It's a great question. And one of the things I talk about in my book trajectory, could you talk about making pivots? You don't want to just make pivots for the sake of it. You'll go nowhere. That's exactly right. And you also want to make pivots just because the guy across the street or the lady across the street does something that works for them doesn't mean it's going to work for you. It goes back to and I love what you just answered your questions. Let's unpack that. Your values drive who you are and our values, our first influence from a very early age before we have any clue about anything, life, our family, our friends, our educators, the people we go to church, our neighbors, our playmates. Our values are always being shaped. And therefore, they're also being challenged and tugged that. So your values basically like your GPS navigation system, it's going to tell you what's inbound and outbound for what you want to participate in, what you're going to tolerate, what you're going to condemn and what you're not going to tolerate. So your values then drive your vision. Your vision is in your head, this bigger picture of what you want to aspire to be or what you want to do or what you want your business to be about, and then how you articulate that is a mission statement. A mission statement is kind of like an outwardly focused statement says this is what we're about for every decision we make should be able to be benchmarked against our mission statement. Any deliverable, we're going to have to be able to be benchmarked against our mission statement. That's also keeps you in alignment. Now, that gives you some clarity to your question. In a lot of ways, I can apply to one. When you look to who am I going to collaborate with, business alliances or partnerships, I want, then you go back to our values, our vision, our mission statement. Who has something that they're going in similar direction. We can complement one another if I'm interviewing someone again. Keep in mind, a lot of laws are created by people that could never get a real job. It's why they go to political office. It's kind of scary if you think about it doesn't know what your political views are, folks. If you look at some of the people that you've elected and you back to something, say, if you were a CEO of a business, would you hire them? And it's stunning. A lot of them, you'd say, no, I'd never hire them. And they have got no credentials. They went from being an employee in a mediocre one at best. Somehow they got elected. Great for them. But but again, that's an example of a misalignment. So in one part of our life, we actually will push our values to the side to vote for someone. But if I turn the tables said, but when you hire them in your business, you go, oh, no, I wouldn't. So she values are interesting. When do we choose to abandon them? And why do you choose to say no? I'm holding on to them. So value. So I'm interviewing someone. My tirade was for a purpose because the questions that you should be able to ask in any kind of an interview in lots of businesses will get you legally in trouble if you're a small business with about a dozen employees or less. There's a lot of questions you legally actually can ask, but if you're a business with hundreds or thousands of employees, some of the same questions can get you in deep trouble. But values is a safe question. Tell me, John, what are some of the values that guide how you operate your life? That's a fair question. You know, Lafeyette, we're looking at promoting you into this this role. And I'm new in the company. You've been here a lot longer and I've been here. So you obviously you've been doing a great job of the business wouldn't be here and therefore I wouldn't have a job. So thanks for all you've been doing, but share with me what are your guiding values. So, see, I could ask that question whether someone's been here longer than me or new to me or they're or they're not even a part of the organization. So values are important. Again, values, you can ask situational questions. I'm recently I've driving down the road and I had an individual my car, and these are the values. There's a person standing on the corner that was basically asking for money. And we see people like this all the time. And sometimes you question, okay, are they are you know, is this a game or not? But this person eventually, obviously had wounds on their body, that they have a health issue. And their sign was basically they wanted some money. They can get some gauze bandages. So in essence, we, in essence, pulled over to the side of the road. The other person motivated this conversation, not Jeff McGhie. I was I was I was pulled into this. And then when I got pulled in, I said, you know what, you write these are values that I have, but yours were louder than Magee's. So we went to the Walgreens and he went inside. He bought all this, you know, the guy's bandages and whatnot. So we then came back and gave that to him and gave him some money. But you could tell the person was blown away because no one had actually went to those steps. So that's a story example of our values drive our behavior. Remember the first five things I taught everybody today? Behaviors, drive habits, drive your personal S.O.P That's what you can take ownership and live by, and then you wrap your emotions around it. So values are huge and a lot of ways to find them out. But again, sometimes people are very disingenuous. So, again, for our viewers, you got to use some common sense here. Don't walk into this, you know, thinking utopia of time and that everyone's genuinely sincere because we live in a place called reality. So, again, it's great to have altruistic views, but be aware of reality values, drive all of that. Absolutely. The reason I was asking that was because I feel like it plays into what we just left off of is making a change or a pivot. So I saw a lot of small businesses I don't want to mention, because I don't know, they lose it or not. But they complained on Facebook and social media all year long about and I get it. It sucked. And there's a lot of things that really, you know, made it hard for business. But they complain. They complain about the governor, they complain about this, that here's the problem. These are things you can't control. Therefore, you can complain about it or you can do something about it. And the governor understands the difference between those two, the things that I might complain about. I'm going to I'm not going to dismiss him. I will put him over on a different list or when I'm in a place where I can influence influencers to do something, or if I'm ever in a role and I can do something , then I will address and attack those. In the meanwhile, what can I do? And that goes right back to my restaurant. So they get a lot of restaurants here in Las Vegas, went out of business during twenty twenty and they're gone. But not one of them realized, wait a second, they were lazy. There's one really famous restaurant on the strip that's partially opened today, but it's comments in in March, April, May of twenty twenty was what were shut down because obviously we aren't here for the convention traffic. That tells you how passive of a business they really are. They're waiting for the leftovers to show up. And so they said, well, we're going to, you know, put everything on hold until the September. Well, you know, nothing open up in twenty twenty in Las Vegas. So they're gone. But right back to the old, they never stop to think. Wait a minute, what about the other potential customers that live in this area or the small were business meetings that were taking place in Las Vegas versus the big, huge conventions. See, everyone gets complacent. That's one of the things Gallup Gallup has some stunning research that everyone needs to stop and think about in twenty, twenty, twenty one and twenty two. They surveyed a couple of years ago and they revisited right before Covid. And the data, I think, is actually. Not only very accurate, it's actually probably been very nice baseball, what I see globally, and so they surveyed thousands of businesses. So right out of the gate, this makes a survey very different than normal. I mean, normally Gallup and most organizations all survey, you know, between 10 and 100 hundred people. And they'll draw and extrapolate from that an opinion. And they'll put that out into the social media and media world and then dump people, follow all that like a bunch of sheep. And they say all must be true. This is different for Gallup, where they actually survey thousands of businesses, which meant hundreds of thousands of responders. And what they found was three population pools, 56 percent of people identified as complacent or disengaged in a workplace. Meaning to me, what it looks like in workers is what's the least I have to do to still keep my paycheck. And we see that all over the place with people that are not actually even doing their jobs anymore. I fly on a regular basis to get from where I live to my clients. I will do anywhere from 10 to 20 airline flights every month. Flight attendants and still see flight attendants that are great. But it is stunning the number of flight attendants today that are massively lazy. They have fallen into the 56 percentile and they're doing absolutely the bare minimum of their job because they don't think that I'm a business traveler with millions of miles and understand what service looks like in twenty nineteen. Thinking as if everyone's had a lobotomy and their brains are at zero in twenty one twenty two and starting new, then 15 percent of the responders were actively disengaged. That means these are people that are passive, aggressively working against management systems and values of a business. These are the people that *bleep* for a living, and all they can do is complain and find fault with people. Therefore, twenty nine percent of the people are engaged in her job. So when I have a flight attendant in the last two or three, four months that actually is doing their job. What's sad is it blows my mind because, again, I know what they can do should you're supposed to do. But they've dropped it down to absolutely the least amount of work possible. I got on a flight literally as we're recording this today for our viewers. Yesterday, I got off of a flight where I was on a plane for four and a half hours, which planes was on another plane for three and a half hours getting home . I flew from one side of the planet to here. So in that time, what's interesting is that seven flight attendants I had a chance to react with, one out of the seven was doing their job. Forty nine percentile one. The other six were in the 56 percent. What's the absolute bare minimum? I have to do to keep my paycheck. And that's the way society is today. So now if I come back to your value statement or Lafeyette your question, what leaders do? We've got to start looking at who are my twenty nine parishioners in my organization and what do I do to grow them, engage them, listen to them and keep them and retain them. So my business can succeed and the other 56 percent will step up. And how do I interview to recruit? The twenty nine percenters are out there in society that don't want to be a part of the losing team. But we as a nation have also conditioned people to be 56 percent when you will pay people to stay home. You are no longer a capitalist or a democracy. You're going into socialism without even getting into politics. And that is messing up people's value systems. John, you just ask you, there's a scary conversation. Yeah, I want to go back, you made a statement about accountability. What can leaders do to build an accountability culture within their organization? Great question. So accountability happens at different levels. So, number one, if you want to build it in your organization, you have to see it, say it, touch it, feel it, every worthy organization. So that's the first answer, because if you don't live it and breathe it everywhere, people will see where and when you don't. And that becomes a cancer that implodes. Because I can say, well, Lafayette's not doing it with John. John gets away with everything. Oh, Johnny, Johnny's the pat that the people who pick this stuff out. John gets the great jobs. He gets the good task. You know, Maggie, I get the bad ones. I mean, everyone loves again, think about agist misery loves company. So so one, you've got to do it everywhere. Now, would that here's my rule five ransom rules are five today, just coincidentally. But again, I've learned from businesses that truly are successful. The first level of accountability is self accountability. When people hold themself accountable, then we start to Lafeyette, get what you said. So the way you do self accountability is, number one, if you have a clear job description or job responsibilities or you've been clearly communicated to and sometimes delegated to you and you have clarity of what you're supposed to do. That's easy enough accountable because you've got the key performance indicators. You've got the game plan. So accountability level one, is it yourself? The number two is with the job description. If we have a really clear job description and expectation of your role and how John connects to you and how I connect to John and how the three of us make a really strong change because all of our wounds are connected. If we all understand each other supposed to do, then then we can do one and two. But that takes us in level three, which is pure accountability. We don't tattle telling each other. We're not tossing anyone under the bus, the pure accountability. We're holding people accountable. Again, let's go back to Southwest Airlines for years when they were a client of mine. It's not unusual to see a baggage handler coming up the stairs and up to the gate to ask a gate agent, hey, is there anything else you'd help with? But they're there to kind of hold each other accountable, like, hey, don't wait until, you know, we're late to say you've got 10 bags up here you need me to come get. So, you know, people will take the bags down the stairs so people cross lines. And I see this in some of my agricultural clients. I've got some phenomenal clients. And in California and Wisconsin and Michigan and in the Carolinas, they do a phenomenal job. I got clients and financial clients and again, all were successful. They're doing what, Youtube gentlemen, just yes. They've got this embedded culture of accountability that starts with self. It goes to the job responsibility scription. It goes to the peer. It goes to customer. Do you have a customer feedback loop that really gives you feedback that you act upon? If I get off of Delta Airlines and they ask me for a quick survey because I'm a diamond level flier, which is their highest level flier, which means I spend way too much money with them, so they should value me. I'm the one that's really helping to make paychecks possible, that they send me a survey and ask me some questions and I give them some good feedback and they never respond back to me. We've got a problem with level four when they say, OK, customer feedback, if they're not doing anything with it and they're not giving me any feedback, then we've got to break in terms of peer. If you try to hold each other accountable and someone's being the wild card in a renegade and say, no, you're not the boss, we get out of my face. Well, we got a problem there. If your job descriptions outdated, we've got a problem there. If you could care less. Back to John, your question about values, because I really don't have any values. There's a sad commentary on some people. Then it breaks down. So it starts with yourself. Then it goes to the person's job description or any KPIs goes to peer, it goes to customer. And then level five is going to be the boss, the supervisor, the business owner. Again, same thing at home. If if if Lafeyette, you're the younger brother to John. And and I'm the same age as John. We're twins and our parents say, hey, watch out for your little brother. Well, that's our parents stepping in at level five. Well, maybe they need to do that. But once I told John that once if John steps up and he's taking care of you, that's level one, personal accountability, taking care of the younger brother. So you see that in homes. Again, I was in Maryland years ago when they were having the riots in downtown Maryland. So here's an example of your question. Very controversial, but here's an example. And people were rioting in the streets and there was a mom dressed in yellow. And I don't know who this mom is, but she's mother of the frickin year. And so you see kids on the street riding a little bit later. The cameras are live and there's a mom in yellow and she goes up and she grabs her child. And you hear her on camera saying, we don't act this way. We don't do this. See, that's in essence, accountability to what your values are. You can still let people know your views, but you don't do it by destroying someone else's property. So, again, but we don't want to have those critical conversations because we think they're taboo and we don't want to talk about the things we need to talk about. And that goes back to the center of everything we've talked about. So, again, if we want to talk about this unscripted leadership, it is step. And do what you need to do, even when a lot of people around you are going to say, oh, wow, that's uncomfortable. Success is not comfortable. It's a hard work product. Now, John, you have something. I mean, I was always told leadership should be spelled eex amply. It's all about being an example. I heard somebody said he was listening to you and mentioned Shaq being a good example with all things he does and represents. And that's I think I agree that. But listen to another athlete. Someone said, well, how do you feel about people saying you're not a good thing? You know, you need to be a better example. And he said, I'm not an example. I never asked to be. And then the conversation ended. But I remember thinking, everybody is an example. You're either a good one or you're a bad one. You don't get to be neutral. And that's critical if you ask. I never I never asked to be one. Then you also have to accept. You don't take advantage of your celebrity or your new checkbook that you're getting to then use that to influence other people. If you're going to say, I never chose be an example and I don't want to be one. Then you have to make sure you go on that playing field. You're that athlete. Your mouth never opens. When you leave the field, it never opens. And then someone asks you for your view or join my cause. You say no. That's John Eye-level. You just said some people like to selectively choose when they want to step in the game and when they want to step out. Either you're in or you're not. And it's really hard to not be in the game of why some people can do that. Some people have said, hey, this is not my role. Dolly Parton, phenomenal woman. I was on the board of directors for the American Eagle Bald Eagle Foundation for a number of years, which a lot of people in America don't realize. That's our national bird. But our federal government doesn't even put aside any money for the caring of bald eagles and taking care of injured bald eagle. So Dolly Parton has never asked for popularity or credibility or fame out of this or notoriety or. Thank you. But again, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, at Dollywood off the side, I mean, that's where she has. And she fat she funds the American Eagle Foundation. But again, she's chosen to realize again, I'm an entertainer first. So anything outside of that, you know, people ask about politics. She says, it's not my job to give my opinion or come be a part of this. You realize that that could be partizan or the other. She she has turned that down every time her entire life because of that. David Johnnys, she's going to say why it's not my job to go there. So when someone says, hey, it's not my job to be an example and ask for it, OK, OK, I'll go with that. But you have to be willing to keep your mouth shut then on everything else. Yeah, and my point is, I think by default, everybody is an example, whether they have a large platform or no, almost no platform. Right. A leader is by definition anyone with a follower. And so, therefore, virtually everyone on the planet has somebody that looks at them, even if they're not following them. You're still setting the wrong example or the right example at all times. Whether you go to the store, whether you go into the store and you make a bad choice and there you kind of slide in front of someone in line or whatever the case may be. You make this choices all day and nobody's perfect and you don't have to be you can be a great leader and still have mess ups and just be consciously aware and situationally where I absolutely is my opening line. We're all leaders no matter what the choice is. But if you're going to say, I didn't choose to be in this role. You're exactly right. And that's a leader. But you have to make the choice then to keep your mouth shut on everything. And that's going to be a leader, because people will say, OK, wait a minute, you can say out of you, you just don't have to voice it, but you're getting a voice in one place. It doesn't give you freedom in the next place. And that's part of the problem in leadership is people want to choose when and where to be a leader and when they say, oh, that's not my role. You know, once you're in, you're in. Yeah, sure. Dr. Majia, you've been dropping the Micol episode, but thank you there. Give our unscripted audience one last drop the mic statement as we wrap up that that can apply to leadership. If you would just say one last statement, what would that be to our audience? Legacy, legacy, legacy, no matter who you are. Back to John's point, walking in a store or driving down the road at home, virtually on the phone, at work, wherever you are. Again, none of us are guaranteed. Tomorrow is going to arrive. None of us. So what do you do with the gift of life today? That's your legacy. How do you engage, influence or touch other people? That's your legacy. If you're a parent, your children are not your legacy. Let me push this down the road further. Your children aren't your legacy. It's what your children do because of you to that next person, that next generation. So if you're a parent, your grand kids would be your legacy, because how do your kids raise them? That's what your legacy is going to be seen. It's not what your kids just do, but it's that next generation. You're a business owner. It's not just your employees or your legacy, how your employees engage each other, how do you engage the external constituent, the customer? So legacy, again, you know, that that would be my my last comment. Always need to be thinking about the concept of legacy. If this is the last of you, what is it you want others to see? If there's a hidden videographer videotaping us every day of the day, that's the videotape that people can download to see what your last twenty four hours was about. Would that be the legacy you would want them to see? Is that the legacy your parents would want them to see, that the legacy your grandparents would want people to see? Hey, this is what my blood did on the planet last 24 hours? Were they were they neutral? That's OK. Were they a giver, a grower, a developer, an enabler, or did they do something that took away? So legacy, the A plus or a negative sign? People, you should always be plussing or step off the planet and make room for someone else. Amazing, and I think it's just ironic because our podcast episode last week that we did was talking about leaving a lasting legacy. So those of you that will listen to this and watch this legacy, legacy, legacy. And we want you all to connect with Dr. McGee. One of the ways that you can do that. You can follow him on social media, on connect with him on his LinkedIn there. Dr. Jeffrey McGee. You can find him there on his. Thank you. He also has open enrollment conferences in Las Vegas and Nevada quarterly each year. You can connect with him there to about his comments. As you tell us a little bit more briefly about what those enrollment conferences are likely. Thank you very much. So leadership in cells is where I grew up. And I take leadership from kind of an interesting angle. Everything I believe in, even some of the conversations we've had here today of successful businesses, successful business leaders somewhere in their life have sales revenue generation in their pedigree. And so I play with those two. But my open enrollment programs in Las Vegas each quarter under resources of my website, people, you can check them out for upcoming events. But I do a two day sales bootcamp where I take the same two day sales training program that I do with my Fortune 100 clients, my mid-cap business clients I work with on a daily, regular basis with the National Guard recruiters that I do. And I just make that available to the open public each quarter, because I believe there is a hunger for great sales training. We spend one full day on strategic selling concepts and ideas. Day two is tactical implementation and the behaviors of successful selling. Everyone leaves with a workbook, they leave with action plans to leave with Oreo's. They leave with copies of my book. And that's the program. So thank you for asking. I wasn't expecting that. Yeah, absolutely. Not only does he have open enrollment conferences there, Dr. Jeffrey McGee also has the Leadership Academy of Excellence. Tell us a little bit more about that as well. So that's my signature program and product. And what I do in that area is I work with business leaders. So whatever the CEO, whatever she or he deems to be appropriate for their leaders, current leaders or emerging next generation leaders, and we come together for a day and a half every month for a minimum of 12 month commitment they make. We use some of my college textbooks as some of the base reading materials. Each month we have a workbook that goes through some specific strategies or techniques that they're going to implement in their own sphere of influence for the next 30 days. All that's kept in a binder system we created has their logo in mine on it. There's some coaching and online learning management system touch points as well. We come back together the next month. We debrief what we did the previous month, make sure we're having growth and implementation. We layer on top that the next learning skill set. So in the course of the first 12 months, we build 12 core leadership building blocks that most leaders have some acumen with, not all 12. It really grows a team and brings them together. Back to John. Your saving of values. Earlier we embed the business's values in mission and true needs into it. If I do my job right and we have the growth and development we tend to get, that continues on to a year or two, three or four or five. So I have one plank. I've been working with forty four leaders once a month for 16 years. My smallest client is a client with eight key leaders I work with once a month and working with them for many years. And I have typically one to two new clients I bring on each year. So that's the leadership academy of actions. We grow the leadership DNA of a team. Absolutely, and last but not least, you also can check out the dark Magee's WW dot professional performance magazine dot com, and it's free digital subscription for our listeners. And so that is another way that you can connect with Dr. Jeff McGee. And again, we say thank you, Dr. Reed, for coming on and just sharing your wisdom impartation to our audience on the various aspects of leadership, accountability and so much more. We have definitely been blessed and have enjoyed you as a guest. As always, we asked you to continue to support us on our unscripted various platforms there on our. Absolutely. Everybody needs to be following you. This has been great. Both of you guys, thank you so much for doing and thank you for bringing me on your program. Thank you so much for coming on and connect with us there on our various social media platforms. Stream this episode that'll be available for you all there and connect with Dr. McGee. As always, we pray that you'll be the leader that God has called you to be. We're here to build bridges and not walls. Bridges connect and walls divide. Until next time.

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