UnScripted: Authentic Leadership Podcast

Millennial's: Myths, Facts, & Half-Truths! Feat.Mark Villareal! #Podcast #Millennials

• John Lebrun & La'Fayette Lane • Season 3 • Episode 45

🚨 In this episode, John and La'Fayette are joined by special guest Mark Villareal,  a Corporate America coach and business consultant and author of 8 published books, including "The Millennial Factor" 10 Steps To Managing Millennials To Success. Within the conversation Mark debunks some of the myths that have been told about millennials. Myths such as millennials have a sense of entitlement, millennials jump from job to job because they lack loyalty, millennials lack self-development, and that all millennials are the same! Hit that PLAY and SHARE button to hear the TRUTH about millennials!

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Authentic Leadership podcast. A podcast where We are seeking to lead change while also seeking to understand. We are also here as a platform to provide leaders to come together, to unite, to develop and empower other leaders in the areas of business, family, faith and community. I'm your host, Lafeyette Lane, joined by my co-host, John LeBrun. And today, we are joined by special guest Mark Villareal. Those who will watch this, you can put those hands together for our special guests to put those clap emojis in the comments section. Today, he's here to join us in a special conversation that many in our generation can relate to. Today, we'll be talking about millennials, myths, facts and half truths. A little bit about our special guest, Mark. He is has spent thirty five years in corporate America with 25 years being at the sea level. His passion is the development of others and mentoring other aspiring leaders. So today, again, we are definitely encouraged and excited about this conversation about millennials, the facts, the half truths and the myths. Again, we asked you to those of you that will watch this, definitely hit that subscribe button. Subscribe to all of our YouTube channels there on our social media platforms. We'll get to those a little bit later. Let's jump into the conversation. Mark, let's start out by just laying the foundation. What are some of the basic myths about millennials? Well, first, I think there's a danger that they get grouped. And if you're a millennial, you're part of all this. So that's one like every millennial must be the same. And that's not true for any work group. Second, there is a myth that all millennials are entitled. You know, they feel that there's an entitlement. And, you know, there's there's funny videos out there that even make jokes about that, of, hey, I've worked there three years and I've come to work every day on time. So where's my promotion? You know, so those are some of the this one of the big mess I find is that they say millennials aren't loyal and they'll have many jobs and they'll jump to job to job, which sometimes people say, so why invest in them, why develop or, you know, that type of thing. You know, there's a lot of other myths about how early they'll get up to what they do for their own development. But and I think the biggest danger is how they're grouped with everyone together. And so it's like, you know, you have the older work groups, you know, I'm a baby boomer that, you know, I went to work because the pay I needed, stability I needed to provide for my family. And and it's like the myth this is that these people are different. And I don't have the concept of understanding them, because you do it because you're told to you, you do it because you took the job, you know, type of thing, mentality that maybe an old baby boomer like myself, you tell by the gray hair that you might think or believe. And so it's this. Whenever you put everybody in a box, that's a danger. Yeah, I love that. That closing statement that you say when you put everybody in a box is definitely a danger of being a fellow millennial myself . It's very disheartening when you've mentioned some of those things. I've heard them, whether that be via social media or just people that are in conversation or passing by generation, when most of millennials that I know are doing great things. They're hard workers. They want to achieve next level and they want to go further than the last generation. Many have the mindset that we just have to be that bridge to be that gap, to close the gap between those generations. But I myself, we see different gaps between the previous generations. And I'm not at the mindset that is kind of a competition or versus. But how can we collaborate in an effort to further the legacy of the next generation that's coming after us? Why do you think that there is a perception that millennials are so different? Why do you think that people have that perception? Well, here's here's what I work when I work with companies and organizations. And, you know, I wrote my book, The Millennial Factor, based on my own experiences, because I helped our organization build call centers. And with the development working with millennials, I had high success with them. And it's they think that they're different, but they're not. And so let me explain it this way. If you were to take an average baby boomer like myself and say, what are the top 10 things that are important to you, I would put them in an order. Then if you do that with someone that's a millennial, there's an an order. Surprisingly, we have the same top 10 things. They're just in different order. And of the top 10 things to a baby Premiere, I was, like I said, what is my pay, what is the stability that I have with this organization? You know where millennial is? You know what? What are the values of the organization that I'm going to go to work for? What is their reason for existence, which is their mission statement? You know, what is the culture going to be like when I'm there? And although pay's important, it's actually Pobby, nine, eight or nine for a millennial millennials. Know how is that? If my leader are going to be authentic, is you going to communicate and tell me the why? Understanding the why is like I would say that probably number three or four. So millennial or it's probably number 10 for for a baby boomer. It's like the way is because I get my paycheck. However, here's one thing that I say is and that I discovered and as I work through it, is your real successful leaders out there that are just really good, that overcommunicate, that are very transparent, that I always say great leaders repeat themselves. They explain the why. You know, baby boomers and the other work groups, they'll be very successful with because, you know, I didn't have to know the why. But when you tell me I appreciate it, it motivates me, you know. But they will have success with millennials because those are the things millennials are working for. So and that's this happened to be where I am one. In fact, I used to have a sign in my office that said in interior, people start mocking you. You haven't said your message enough. And I would always explain one of the things that I'm big on in communication and I preach this when I work with organizations is when do you set expectations? Well, before you hire the person, hopefully in your hiring process when you interview them. When you hire them and every chance that you get. You know, so and I would tell people, even if, you know, I would say, hey, John Geffray, you know, one of the reasons you're being interviewed is because we exceed our expectations. We believe that you fit that. And should you be hired, you're not coming on to accept this job, to meet expectations, but to exceed them. And let me explain to you what that means. And so I would just overcommunicate, but I will even tell John, hey, John, a little bit about myself. I repeat myself a lot, and I'm letting you know that. And, you know, you might think it's important what I'm repeating, because it's probably important to me if I keep repeating it and then I explain, you know, like I said, I set expectations, the entitlements, opportunity I eliminate on day one or even in the interview process. But we teach organizations, they create what's called career lattices, not career ladders. And when you create a career ladder, it shows every position on your organization ladder or moves up or down. And what is the skills? What is the knowledge and the traits that you need to work in those categories? And that way, when you explain on day one, hey, here's our career Latisse. Here are the great opportunities you have with your organization, whether you want to move up. Actually, there's lateral moves that you can make. And because we like to list the skills, traits and knowledge, you might want to take some self accountability if you desire one of those positions. Because one of the things that I preach is in Lafayette, if if I would recommend that you take some self accountability in your own development. And here's why. Because if you're interested in moving lateral, moving up in our organization, being recognized and helping develop, because we want you to be successful here, when you take self accountability on some of your development and maybe even come to me and ask, what are some of the things I can learn on my own when I have money, time, energy to invest in somebody, you make that choice easy. When I have an up in the day to promote someone, you make that choice easy. And so by setting expectations on day one, there's no room for entitlement. And that works for everybody. So great. You know, what happens is I think in some senses that there's been some things in the workforce to where it's because I hired you. You know, I once had a sales manager ask me, I don't understand our people. And these weren't millennials at the. This was 20, 30 years ago, he says. But they're adults. Can't we just tell them once? And that's it. And I explain to them now, because people learn our development is learned as we get raised. And this is why I should explain. I managed by rewards and consequences, just like hopefully your raised. I love to manage you by rewards, but there will be consequences. And John, let me ask you that. If I see that there's at any time you're doing something that I think might hinder your success, would you want me to point that out to you and correct you? And I tell you that on day one, you always say yes, but that helps me because I already set expectations that when I go to correct your behavior or, you know, something that maybe you're just not doing correctly. Correct. I can remind you of that conversation, because I'm doing it for your benefit. So it's how you set and that's all set and culture. And I think the second chapter of my book is Culture is everything. So everything you do is establishing that culture from the top down, and then it starts permeating from the bottom up that people protect it. And that's the environment you want. Sure. There seems to be a breakdown in the communication that because millennials tend to amass more information, that somehow, you know, they're kind of a challenging authority when the reality is that's the world that we live in. We live in the information age. And so no longer can you just tell us with here's the facts and just believe it, right. Like, OK, we've got to fact check that, prove it two or three times, then we'll believe it after we've done all the research. That sort of source type of deal. You talked about the the unstability factor that people believe about millennials, that, you know, they're not reliable in the job force or in the corporate America. What advice would you give to those that believe that millennials are unstable and they just jump from job to job because they lack loyalty? What advice would you give to those that have that sort of belief? Well, understand that, you know, the things that are important to them. So I would say always communicate and over communicate, explain the why instead of sometimes I think others may not explain the why. Because of pride. Right. But when you explain the why, here's why we do this. Here's why I'm asking to do this. Here's the result that we're looking for. You're actually teaching good habits and you're building transparency, but trust us, everything. Many millennials and in fact, you know, the title of your podcast talks about authenticity. Right. Millennials love leaders who are authentic. And so they built that loyalty. But the biggest thing that I say is when they say millennials, I jumped out of the job, as I say. Well, you haven't shown them what a career is. And it's because of that's why we build the career ladder says that's why we complain about self accountability. That's why I talk about a communication plan, a coaching plan, and then accountability, the three biggest things in managing anybody. But millennials thrive on. Are you communicating with them or are you coaching them constantly? And then are you teaching them about accountability for self accountability? And then the accountability that comes with let's talk about your development plan, because I want you to develop. And that's part of reward the consequences. You know, I had many millennials and in fact, if you read the back of my book, I had millennials and it worked for me, you know, because that's where the power was. And and one of them named Joshua that started with me, he was 20 years old, knew nothing in sales. It was a sale. And, you know, he became so loyal and he would listen that at the age of 23, he bought his own house. You know, he's 27 now and make six figures. And, you know, and he's just like, I understood the why I became motivated. And the the some some of the hesitancy on millennials. There are some differences, but it's only because at the different times that we were raised to, I did not grow up in the digital age that millennials grew up in. And so the difference is, is that millennials do expect quicker answers because they had access to it. Well, I just go Google. I'll just go find it out myself. And this is where I would say that I always found millennials were the most courageous workforce. Let me come to it. And I would have to hold them back more than push them forward. So that is some advice that I would have on people that millennials understand that that's the we have to understand the why. That's the way they grew up in the digital age. You know, they grew up with cell phones and everything that they could get quick answers that I didn't have. And as you explained, the why know and we have a responsibility to teach these things anyway, you know, and so when you create an environment of, you know what, I want you to be successful here, I want you to learn, but I'm going to coach you and I'm going to coach you openly. And it's it's because, you know, I want you to strive and be successful. And you do that consistently. Loyalty just grows, you know, trust. There's a book called The Speed of Trust. And they say trust is like a bank account. You can make a lot of deposits, but one withdrawal can wipe out that whole bank accounts and even. And so it's that that's why values are so important to millennial, whether the values that we're going to live at that organization. But it's the response of the organization to exhibit those values and hopefully not sacrifice one of them. There are times that I'll explain that if I say respect, just one of our values. And maybe, John, you said something and I jumped the gun and got on you. And I'd have to say, John, you know, first of all, respect is one of our values. And I just did not show you respect. I apologize. You know, and so there are ways I can earn that. My actions will have to show that after the point, but if ethics is one of your values and hopefully they are. That's one value that if you sacrifice, it's hard to earn respect, just as I will see that. And so that's why the culture is the foundation. On top of that is the values and then the mission. What is the reason for existence of our organization? And is my leadership showing that we're live in it? And after that, they become a great job. You know, it's like this is a career. I know the difference now. And that's our responsibility. So go ahead. You can say something. The Nazis. And that's good. OK, that's good. And I keep reprimanding John. Sorry, John. That's all right. I'm used to it. It's always getting around, getting. I'm I'm actually I'm 37, almost 38. I come on the very, very beginning side of the millennials. Lafayette's twenty seven. He comes on the opposite side. So when you mentioned like high touch, high touch, I was actually in high school when high speed Internet was like coming out to be a thing. There was no there was no Wi-Fi type thing when I was in high school. You still messed up the Internet by picking up the phone. And you so so I read a book and it was talking about Gen Y is the millennials. And it has they almost sectioned off into two groups, Gen Y and Gen Y, which started in the 90s. But anyways, so when we talk about loyalty, I hear the same things. Millennials lack loyalty. They go from job to job. And part of me thinks and if you can talk to it, I don't know. I don't I don't think millennials lack loyalty any less than any other generation. I just sometimes think that maybe they lack complacency. Is there something is my theory when I look at companies, they have shown, especially the bigger they get. And I don't fault the company necessarily in every situation. But early on, companies were formed and and employees would start and finish. They would retire at the same company. Well, as that grew, companies can sustain those and they file bankruptcy and different things. And people no longer have their retirements or pensions or whatever they call it. And then they started a KS. And that's a whole nother story. But we've seen time and time again, I have growing up, parents, friends, parents, friends of my friend's parents just killed themselves at a company. And then the company has to do massive layoffs. So on one hand, they command almost loyalty. But then on the other hand, as soon as there's a hiccup with like a stock or something, a bad quarter, there's massive layoffs. And then they wonder why. As we watch our parents go through these things, we don't have massive loyalty towards the company. Now, I believe that millennials do have massive loyalty towards a cause or towards a purpose, but maybe not towards the banner on a building, if that makes sense. So and as I was working for a large company, I don't work there anymore. I start, you know, family started their own company and so forth. Maybe I just like loyalty. But it was I remember as I would advance to that company, people would get apprehensive if there was enough opportunity or they didn't perceive enough opportunity, meaning there's 20 employees and one advancement. And that's not there's nothing wrong with that. But what we had done and I remember our department had a larger had a really good. Simply saying is we'd find opportunities within their roles for these employees to grow within their own current space. So they didn't have to have an advancement, they didn't care about the advancement. The advancements didn't really give you that much more money, just responsibilities and so forth. But we could find new projects, new responsibilities, new ways for them to grow as people and as employees on the company. And therefore, they would feel valued and feel like they had a new purpose and then get stagnant. And that seemed to work really well, but I don't know. Can you just talk that a little bit? Do they really like loyalty or do they like complacency? Is it really the millennials fault or is it if that's if it's true, or is it the company's fault for years of, you know, massive layoffs and watching that stuff? You said a lot there. So I know I'm sitting beside each point that you made. Yeah, I will say this. It's always the organization and the leaders responsibility to create environment and sustain it. So if it's a if it's anybody's fault and even if that perception if you came in with that perception from other companies or everything that you saw, it's my responsibility to set the perception that I want you to believe and demonstrate it, because at first, if I set all those expectations, I tell you about self accountability that you want to grow. Rewards are consequences. I let you know that I'm going to coach you constantly. But I also let you know that, you know, John, I'm going to spend my energy because I want to spend my energy . What? It's going to make an impact. I mean, let me tell you, John, that if you're coachable, I always give you the benefit of my time. But if you start showing me that you're not coachable and you might see me succeed in my energy elsewhere. So let me just give you that that warning, because if you think I'm not giving you enough time, please ask me, because the answer may not be too surprising. But I want you to value your growth here as much as I do, and I'll show you that I do. So my consistency will show that. And so that's where communication comes in. I did have a millennial just recently, just like with the last two weeks that I've been working with. And he was like, you know, even he was saying that I was right about the values and your your reason for existence. He says, because we've been told for so many years, first of all, watching what you just described, sometimes with our parents, and then we're told that our Social Security won't be there by the time that that we you know, so why do I want to work at a company all these years? And that's why environment is more important to me than me putting 30 years with the company, because my Social Security will not be there. You know, that type of thing. So that's where it's our responsibility to create environment. Talk about the difference between job and career. But but here's another thing that I did do with the culture. And I always say, if you give me 110 percent, I would do everything to advance your career within our organization, within our corporation, if or maybe or a subsidiary of someone or with other organizations that don't belong to us. And so we created an environment to where just one guy wanted to own his own roofing company. Well, that's great. Give me 110 percent. And, you know, even with yourself development, some of this stuff, development stuff is going to help you when you become your own boss in a roofing company. And that guy owns its own roofing company now. But he would then say refer other employees like this was a great company to work for because up to one hundred and ten percent to advance your career, even if it's outside working for them. And so we became a place where employees were always referring other people to come apply because we were a place that people want it to work. So that was part of what we did for that as well. Is there anything else I missed in that answer? No, I don't think so. You're good. Okay. So I tried to go one, two, three, four points, you know. But it was it was really just more of I, I hear the lack of loyalty comment often, and I just don't buy into it. Is there people with lot who lack loyalty? Obviously. And that goes for every generation that goes right. Marriages, that goes with a lot of areas, not just work. But I don't I my personal in my personal perspective from being in corporate America was most of the associates who you want to keep on your team. That's key. Some some you know, there's always that randomness as you like. If they can go and I'm fine with it. But you want to keep are not unloyal. But they really just want to keep growing. And as soon as they cannot find growth for themselves or they don't see opportunities to grow, they start seeking for those opportunities elsewhere. Well, that's why you did mention something. I didn't hit on innovation to create. An environment where you want people to be innovative and creative and share their ideas that they can create and expand maybe their current role, they may not get promoted, but you know what? That's a great idea. And it is a great book called Blue Ocean Strategy that that that I worked with. When I work, I'm working with that one organization now, actually, where it's like, how do you create that environment that you want people feedback? And in fact, we call it a first team environment. And that comes from the book Five Dysfunctions of a Team. So I don't reinvent the wheel all the time, but because it's great books out there and at five dysfunctions of a Team features, I want to hear your opinions even when you disagree. But we're going to have a first team environment that you'll be able to share your opinions professionally. It's not gossip behind my back or going to, you know, John coming to me because he has a problem with Lafeyette and just wants to talk about it. You know, I would say you need to go to Lafayette and have that conversation, because that's called a first time conversation. That's the environment and part of the culture that we create as well. But I value your opinion. I value your feedback when we do strategic planning or create other things that talk about those plans. You'll have your opportunity. Doesn't always mean that we'll take a percentage of everybody and make the decision. Ultimately, the leader has to make the right decision for the organization. But it will you. We will be transparent and allow you to be heard. And but because we have that environment, whatever decisions we make, we expect you to own it as if you made that decision yourself 100 percent. Yeah. So that's all. Call the first team environment. And when you create that type a culture, that people have that ability to disagree. And just like I've been heard and that's great. Or, you know, they value my opinion to at least seek feedback. But also, they encouraged me to be innovative and courageous and come up with new ideas. That's how the companies expand, you know, so we always talk about empowerment. Another organization I work with, we're working with change management. And that one of the first issues is your people don't know, first of all, what they're empowered to do within their roles. It's the first thing I discovered. If they don't know that, what decisions they could make or what they're empowered with, some roles might have more environment to spend money. Maybe if it's in customer service, you know, you need to empower your people and then you need to teach them how to problem, solve and make decisions. And given the parameters in which they can do that, and then you need to let them loose and then coach them as they do that, sometimes when they make a decision and say, man, you know what, Lafeyette, I appreciate that you made a decision. You know, walk me through your mindset when you made that decision. And because I taught you Problem-Solving and decision making, I should understand your mindset you to ask this question. That's this question as this question. I might coach you on what you might have thought of differently, but I will reward you because you made a decision. I'll be appreciative of that. Early in my career, I was what was considered a turnaround specialist. I had the ability to go into a struggling business, a location, and it was a mark that did it. But I would dissect and then with the people that there, we would put a plan together. First thing I did was teach everybody had a problem solve and make decisions, and then I would empower them. And you surround yourself with problem solvers and decision makers. Your job becomes easier. But if you both both of you, if you're working in an organization that it's like, here's what your role is, you might say, I want to expand it more like let's have that discussion. OK, how do I need to empower you? Right. You know, what are the things that you're not sure if you can do? Because I want to make sure that you know, that you can, you know, and we are to what extreme that that's a motivating factor there as well , because you're growing. And that's what we want you to do is grow. So we had the environment. You know, I told you that we will do. Give me 110 percent. We'll do everything to advance your career. I had one business to we had four people who started with us at an entry level that ended up becoming managers . And then our corporation came and recruited them away, all four of us at four different ones that became regional manager for the international company. Did that I hate that. I wasn't greedy to say don't take my people. I'm like, that's the environment. I create it. And I had a pipeline of people that wanted to work for us. Yeah. And and that created opportunities for those people. That's like and there's always opportunities with as organization because people are getting promoted even outside of this organization. Here's where I want to work. So, yeah, as a baby boomer, how can we as millennials do a better job with connecting with previous generations? We've talked the whole time about, you know, generations connecting with us, but respected. But I want to flip that on the other side of the coin. What can we do as millennials, as a person from a previous generation? What can we do to better connect with you? Well, I say first, understand the perception that's there and and be cognizant of it and don't sweep it under the carpet, but confront it. If you're going and this is advice in my book, you know, each chapter has advice for the business owner and then the advice for the millennial. So one of the advice is itself, we would teach what you call a braggy objection. Right. Instead of I hope that don't bring up that objection. I would teach myself, people bring up the objection and then show them how you death. Obviously, we're not going to be the lowest price. But let me tell you. Here are the other factors, Bob. So if I'm applying for a job and I'm a millennial, I would say that and let's say I did have seven jobs in the last two years. Right. I would say, hey, you know, obviously you may see that I had seven jobs in the last few years, but I'm applying for this organization because I'm looking for a career. And actually, what made me apply here is I really love your values, your mission statement. I love that reason for existence. And when I saw the work that you did in the community, when you did Habitat for Humanity, I thought this is the place that I would like to see a career grow in advance. So you could see how I fragged the objection and went right into it and overcome it before I even have to be asked about it. You may say, you know, certainly I'm a millennial. Let me talk about two perceptions that you may have. May I ask you, what are any of your concerns? And I'd be happy to answer that. I would say just be as upfront, but be prepared if it's okay. I teach millennials when they're looking for a job or to look for a career. And that difference is first look at the organization's mission and values. Sometimes you could find your vision, but that's using internal. Find out any initiatives in any community involvement. So when you go to that interview and you're speaking to that, hey, I really loved your mission and I love the values that you live here. You know, when I work here, I really want to help you strive on your initiatives. And so I may come and ask you what I can do for self development at someone I'm going to want to hire. So if you as you come on and those roles, as are baby boomers and you're demonstrating that they're going to get over that perception very quick. So, you know, it's just, you know, bring it up, don't hide it, but understand that it's there and don't come out angry about it. You know, even though you may be right, you know, I'm not that way. I'm not, you know, because there's that other one at John and you mentioned one the that the loyalty you want. And sometimes you hear millennials are lazy. Right. And they're not I would say I can point out many baby boomers that in my time that were lazy, you just eliminate every work group. You know, I think some of it is, though, as in fact, if not now, but within the next couple, I think two years, millennials will be 70 percent of the workforce. So it was just that it was such a surge of them that brought up those concerns as well. So it wasn't just a field coming into the workforce. Pretty soon is there going to be the majority of the workforce. And we're either going to need to work with them, learn how to lead them and learn how to create leaders of them. And so it was all that at once. Sure. You've mentioned your book several times, and I know on your book it talks about 10 steps. Now, you don't have to give us all 10 steps, because I know you want people to go purchase the book and do that as well. Can you give us at least three or four of those steps to managing millennials to success yet? Yeah. You know, obviously I mentioned about and a couple a plan. So an expectations plan. What are the expectations? I want people to know before they even start here, when they start here and moving forward, and how am I going to communicate that? So that's number two. What is the communication plan when I'm when am I going to communicate this on day one in the H.R. manual? Maybe the mission. I won't paint it everywhere on our in our office, right in the reception on our brochures. The values I want to have contest are awards named after the values. So that way we're going to talk about them constantly. You know, we're going to have who lived this value of this month, who demonstrated this with the customer. So that's that the communication plan. Do you have a culture plan? How how are we going to keep the culture running? And because it has to start from the top down. But when you get that, when it it's top down, when the employees start protecting the culture, like if you hire the wrong person and no matter the best hiring practices you have, sometimes you hire the wrong person. They will be the first to say, hey, man, if this guy just doesn't seem a fit because they want to protect that that culture. The coach, I have a coaching plan that you built. You know, how am I going to coach when I'm going to coach, what do I want to coach? You know, it comes down to the coaching, the five W's and the eight, you know, who, what, where and where and why and how and you break it down. And so we have charts that we help companies create that it doesn't just work for millennials, that works for the whole organization. You know, development plans for every employee. And that's my passion. You know, if you don't have a development plan, then shame on the leadership. Shame on the organization, because we want to teach accountability. So we do teach self accountability. But your development ultimately is still my responsibility. I think I gave you more than two or three, but you know, those are. Yeah. Bonus tips. Yeah. No, not now. You're not just concerned about the millennials, but you're also concerned about the next generation that involves the future children of insomuch that you are author of children's book series that looks a little bit more about how you got out of that and what we're also both of those children book sets. Yeah, well, I'll take a step back for Schiele. It's funny. I haven't mentioned my mom. Yeah. And usually I speak out quite a bit. I'm a mama's boy. And my second book is called Leadership Lessons from My Mom was a housewife. And I quote in my book that she was the best leadership coach who chose to be a housewife. So she would always tell me one of the things that she would tell me is, I never want that little boy and you grow out of you. And the reason being is when a little boy or little girl but I'm a boy, as he said, you will always have big dreams and you'll you'll always believe you can accomplish. I want to be a fireman, mom. I'm going to be a policeman. And somewhere when you start growing up, you start thinking or you see roadblocks and starts squash in your dreams. Don't let that little boy and you grow up, because I want you to always believe that you can accomplish things. And so with that, I have a passion to help and of responsibility, I believe, to help the youth live that dream. On Dreaming Big. And so I started a children's series called The Adventures of Park Ranger, brought cliffhanger in as junior park rangers. And I started that to encourage you to want to have good idols or role models. And park rangers are great role models. So learn about some things that are important. I think our state national parks are a thing of beauty. I live in one. And so we teach them about not only about the parks and the trails, but we teach them how to take care of them. But also in their like in the first one, it's about two two kids that went hiking and get lost. And so they have to go find them. And in the book, it says, well, what are the 10 things that they didn't do that they should have done before they went hiking? One of the six things once they were missing that they should do. And what happens when you encounter wildlife? Because in the first story, they encountered wildlife. And so it teaches some things like that throughout the book. And so they follow the park ranger cliffhanger. That's the name I came up with. And a but teaches that Junior Park Ranger program as well, which is a great program. And so the first one I wrote, the second one is on the Great Smoky Mountains and the fires that we had here in 2016. And it teaches them about conservation and safety and preservation. And it's just, you know, it's a passion to to help them to dream back. That is that is awesome, and we want our unscripted audience to connect with Maki's and I think connect with your various social media platforms. They're all on LinkedIn and you can connect with them on the social media plays. There might be the real. Also, he has a YouTube channel, The Real Shortcuts. Also, Facebook is Facebook name is there. Marksville also you can find him on Twitter connected to his Twitter handle is at work. Real, real are those that you will listen to this? It will be in the podcast description, as he's already mentioned. He's also the author of eight published books with one of them being the millennial factor 10 Steps to Managing Millennials to success. He also coaches and consults with businesses and delivers works to his business, offers a free 30 minute consultation. This has been another incredible episode here on the unscripted Authentic Leadership podcast. Our audience, we definitely want you to continue to stay tuned to what we're doing. The you connect with us on our various social media platforms, as well Unscripted authentic leadership podcasts or Facebook or Instagram handles,@unscriptedleadership. Then you can find us unscripted, authentic leadership podcast. You can also stream and listen to this episode while you're riding in your car. You may not have time to watch this. We want you to stay safe. You could stream this on any podcast platform, from Apple to Spotify to Google podcasts to iheartradio, wherever, podcast are streamed. You can find us there. You can even connect with us there on our website. unscripted-leadership.com. We have some interesting things that you could connect with us on. We also have merch available when you sign up for our unscripted email group. Once you sign up for that, you will receive a 10 percent off merch promo code. Again, this has been another amazing episode here on the unscripted Authentic Leadership podcast. We thank our guests, Mark Villareal, for coming on, having this incredible conversation about millennials facts,half truths and even myths. As always, we're here to build bridges, not walls, bridges connect and walls divide. Until next time we pray that you be the leader that God has called you to be. God bless.

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