UnScripted: Authentic Leadership Podcast

Securing Your Financial Future! Feat.Gill Hysons #Podcast #Finances

• John LeBrun & La'Fayette Lane • Season 3 • Episode 52

💰In this episode, John and La'Fayette are joined by special guest Gill Hyson's, the youngest son of immigrant parents from Haiti, a military vet, and financial expertise professor in the areas of generational wealth building and transfer. Have you ever considered that the financial troubles that we have experienced are because we don't have the discipline within ourselves to throw our money forward, instead of spending every dollar we have today? Should we really put as much money into our savings or should would invest more than we save? To hear the answers to these questions that we all have about our finances and more, you'll have to hit play button! 

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Welcome to the unscripted Authentic Leadership Podcast. The podcast we were seeking to lead change while also seeking to understand we're all. So here's a platform for leaders to come together, to unite, to develop and empower other leaders in the areas of business, family, faith and community. I'm your host, Lafayette Lane, joined by my co-host John LeBrun. Today, we are joined by our special guest, Gil Hisense. You know what time it is. Make our special guests feel right at home. But those Galpagos in the comments section give it up for our special guest, Gil Hisense, who has given our country more than a decade of service and within the financial industry, he's also the youngest son of immigrant immigrant parents, first generation born in America. Today, he is on our podcast to discuss about securing your financial future. Gil, let's get right into the topic. Man, thanks for coming on. And just tell us your backstory about where you're from and how you got started in the financial industry. You're a first generation immigrant. Tell us about your back story. Well, I was born in Newark, New Jersey, by immigrant parents or emigrated to this country from Haiti. So my grandparents actually emigrated before then and around the 70s. And they had 17 children. Right. And my mother just happened to be the oldest of seven girls. So only 11 of them are still alive today. And my mother, being the oldest of seven girls, her and all six of her sisters have three or more children. So a very, very large family. However, after being born in the United States, my father at the time was in Haiti and immigrated to the states yet. And so I went to go actually live with him. So I actually spent the majority of my childhood in Haiti going to school there. So my first language is not English. So I apologize if I mispronounced something right. I actually didn't learn English until I was almost 13 years old. It was when I started learning English academically. So I spoke French and Creole early on in my life. So you're from Haiti. How did you come from get from Haiti to the United States and you went into the service, what area of service did you serve? Well, I actually I was born in Newark. And then shortly after I turned one, my mother sent me to my father. Right. To live with my father in Haiti. And then I spent some time there with him. And then I came back to the states to live with my mom just before I became a teenager. We were we were living in Orlando, Florida, at the time. And I went I started middle school and kind of breezed right through that, because the academic structure in the Caribbean is very different than in America. Right. It's extremely strict. You know, back in those days, you know, teachers could still wimpiest. So it was a very different atmosphere. And being on time and doing your work was it was very demanding, very demanding nonetheless. But I actually told my my mother I wanted to join the Navy when I was in the seventh grade, because my uncle, who I was meeting for the first time, was in the Navy around early , late 80s, early 90s. And he ended up getting out. He was he was on an aircraft carrier, would tell me all these stories. And it was just absolutely amazing. And then once I made that decision, I was getting ready to finish up high school. I had already, you know, applications in for colleges, Embry Riddle Aeronautical Science. I got accepted there. I also got accepted to Purdue University for aeronautical and aerospace engineering. You know, my dream was to become an astronaut, you know, but my mother said, well, baby, we don't have astronaut money, so we have to figure things out. Right. So it was it was cool because, you know, I was always going to either go to college and then join the Navy or I was just going to join the Navy. Right. Either way, I really wanted that experience from all the stories that really excited me and really motivated me to do so. I also was in Rothesay in high school as well, which, you know, kind of added fuel to the fire that I was going to be doing military service. But right out of high school, I graduated high school June 7th, and I was in boot camp July 5th. Wow. So you Haiti, more sugar, maybe? How did you go from being in the Navy to being in the financial arena? Well. A huge thing was my upbringing, so as a child, I lived in poverty, you know, possibly one of the most extreme poverty ridden countries in the Western Hemisphere. Right. Is they still to this day, Haiti just had an earthquake not so long ago, and my father still there. Right. So I actually this morning, I was calling them to ask him how he was doing. And I have a brother that's still over there as well, and making sure I spend a little bit of money as I can to assist him in just living, you know. And it's hard to find jobs there, too. So that was realistically the future. Right. Having financial security. Right. Because I know where I come from. I've never forgotten that all the things that I've experienced never forgot, you know, not having shoes on my feet and walking to school , you know, seeing literally seeing children who were at my age who were starving to death. Right. Who literally starved to death. You know, sometimes not having, you know, clean clothes or or food to eat, skipping meals from time to time, you know. You know, my parents did the best that they could. Right. My mother living, you know, in the states, in the states has its own challenges as well. Right. Not to diminish anything that happens here or people experience here. But from my own personal experience, it was extremely difficult. Right. In Haiti to live in Haiti. But you kind of made a way out of no way. And then when I came back to the states, you know, I found it sounded to me particularly particularly easy early on, because, you know, my mother was saying, you know, just make sure the house is clean and go to school, get good grades, you know, just the normal stuff you tell your kids. Anybody who has parents, you know, you don't ask too much. They think that they had their world on their shoulders. Realistically, you're not asking them to do much. Right, because they don't pay no bills. They don't pay taxes. No, that's their right. But I found it to be particularly easy. The reason why is because I mean, I was like, man, all I got to do is take a test, right. Or do some homework that since I'm on cloud nine. And so I was literally like rushing through schoolwork. Right. And just like blowing it out of the water and. Eventually I started to notice things that that I couldn't control that were really out of my control, that were bringing back some memories from when I was in Haiti . And that was when my mom started to work three jobs because she couldn't afford the rent, the utilities, you know, all these things and still put food on the table. I never left the house looking like we were impoverished, but. That was because my mother worked three jobs just to keep the roof over our head, you know, and I used to watch this woman, you know, come home, literally hug me, kiss me and tell me, have a good night, and then possibly sometimes not even take a shower. Right. Grab something to eat and literally walk out the door. And she wouldn't sleep at home because she would actually be sleeping on the bus and route to the next job. You know, and I want to do that for so many years. You know, all the way through middle school and high school. And then, you know, what ended up happening was I realize, you know, after I became an adult, that the worst thing that you can do to your child, right. That they could see happen to you is for them to see that hard work doesn't pay off. Oh, you know, and I watch my mother to this day, I watched this woman work 30, 40 years in this country just to receive a hundred dollars a month in Social Security. You know. But where is the pension, you know, where's the education process on how to navigate from point A to point Z? You know, and the thing is that everyone knows where they're currently at and where they want to be. That's why a lot of immigrants come to this country, because they know where they're currently there. We're currently at. They didn't like it. You know, it wasn't conducive to a life that they wanted, that they dreamed up. So they they immigrate to a different place or they migrate to a different place and search for that. But a lot of times when people aren't aware of what's often afforded to them, they tend to, you know, recreate the same circumstances at times that they left. You know, and so realistically, you know, I had to change my habits 100 percent, I had to change my habits, you know, the idea of having bad credit of, you know, blowing to your money through your money, a lot of times, as especially as parents, you know, this is if you if you have a if you want to have a child, you'll notice a lot of the things that you do. You're doing them because your parents did them. Right. And you always say as a parent, well, I turned out just fine. Right. But sometimes that's not always the best case, because, you know, many people would say that. They don't they don't want the same lifestyle that their parents have. Right, that they're their parents currently have around the lifestyle that they currently have. I always ask a person, I said, hey, you know, you're listening to to this person, you're taking advice from them. Would you trade? Your lifestyle for theirs. Wow. And if that's not the case, then why? Are you doing it right? And ask yourself, the most important things that you can do in life is ask yourself questions. Yeah, that was very powerful, Gill. So your passion for finances was burnt out of place of struggle, but also a desire that I don't want to go back to that. And there was a better for me than what I came from. Somebody needed to hear that role. And you gave somebody hope when you said that because you didn't just stay there. You had a better picture in mind in your head that there has to be more than this. And I love how you said not only did you want to get out, but you wanted your family to get out, too. You know, you wanted to reach back into your community and bring as many with you as possible. You talked about habits. What what kind of habits can be formed to help reach financial freedom? Because sometimes it's just the lack of knowledge. People don't know how to do better. They've never had a motto of not having debt, not spending everything on credit cards. You know, not racking up and spending everything that you have. They just have never seen it. So they don't know the habits to form to do that. What are some habits that some practicality that we can give to the audience on some habits they can form to help them to start create that financial freedom that is available to them? Well, this is actually the areas that I focus on the most is a lot of times. People actually make more or just as much. Just the amount that they would need at the current moment to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle. But it's realistically their behaviors that really is the cataclysm to their own destruction. Right, financially and so if you really look at the way that people think in today's day and time, it's really microwave's thinking. Everything I mean, think about it. We went from cash and checks right back in the day to direct deposit. Right. Went from direct deposit to now electronic payment. Right now, some electronic payment. You don't even have to leave your house anymore. I mean, for crying out loud, you can have groceries, come to your house, you know. You know, groceries, selling your house is a beautiful thing. I mean, it does serve a purpose. I'm not saying that it doesn't. Right. Yeah. But what I mean by by illustrating this point is that what is what it has created is a means for instant gratification. Hmm. You won't walk to the grocery store to go shopping, even though it's close by or, you know, maybe take a drive there. Right. You won't do that anymore because you could just, you know, Estacada it or, you know, you could. There's a service where you can purchase the stuff already ahead of time and somebody will have it preset for you when you get into the store. Yeah. You know, this is you know, there's all kinds of stuff now, you know, realistically. And so what that has done is created this idea that people need things now. Right. Psychologically. And so in turn, we went from, you know, understanding, trying to understand what our needs and once are to. I need it now. That's the only thing people think about now. I need it right now. You know, I mean, we have a system. We literally have a retail system that had been designed for people to get their order from online purchases within 48 hours. It's called Amazon. Yes. And we love them. Absolutely, absolutely. So you see realistically how that could really shape our thinking when it comes to money. Because we can have it instantaneously. Right. And so I focus on the on the habits. Right. Habits like this routine stuff. Groceries, right. Eating out is a big one. I've been seeing that quite a bit. You know, I sat with this young lady the other day and she almost doesn't cook at all. And so she eats out, you know, and I so I have to ask her, I said, do you really spend twelve hundred dollars a month to eat out, you know, twelve hundred bucks a month. I said that's not that's some people's rent. You know, you're spending that on food, you know, and so one of the main head ways I utilized them to, you know, to make a head way, essentially. Right. To help them navigate through that is by writing it down. Once you write words down or numbers down on a piece of paper, it becomes a living, breathing document. Now is something legitimately that you can follow. Right, and I ask people, whatever the goal is in mind, I want you to take that information, OK, or take that budget sheet, I use a financial worksheet. I want you to put it in a place where you'll see it every day, and that is generally on people's refrigerators, tape it on their use of magnit. You know, I don't care how you do it, you know, get a stone and chisel it out like as the Ten Commandments . Right. And just put it somewhere where it's visible so it can become a constant reminder. And for me, when I first started, realistically, I had to get my own stuff. Right. Right. And had to get my own stuff right. And I was serving overseas at the time in Japan. And I can tell you, I was having a terrible time. You know, I dealt with the the the earthquake, the massive earthquake in Japan, and then I moved to a different place. And shortly afterwards, you know, I had a new I had a baby. And I think my daughter was like two or three years old at the time when when we were living in the southern part of Japan. And then, you know, my mom had all these medical issues she was having. She was literally having procedures done without any medical insurance. Right. And so she has she wasn't making money. So I had to cover a big portion of that. And so I ended up putting myself into debt to make sure that she wasn't homeless. You know, and and doing so. What helped me a lot was putting everything on paper what I needed to do right. Having a game plan in place so that it wasn't just me, but my wife as well. Right. And she was also a constant reminder a lot of times, you know, if if you don't have a spouse and it's just you. Having somebody to hold you accountable is very key. I think that's an anything you do in life, you want to lose weight or, you know, you want to build a business or you want to , you know, get a good grade in this class or start this new thing. You've been thinking about starting. Get someone who could who is going to hold you accountable to that. Right. And it's going to help you navigate through those tough times. Right. If you don't have a why? I have somebody hold you accountable. Right. Very good, Calabro. See you in mentioned. You were talking about financial hardships as you go, helping your mother out through her, through her medical issues and so forth, and then work into Earth in an economy with just had an earthquake and so all those types of things. Can you talk to a little bit about preparing your financial self for those hardships? So like right now, we're in a pandemic. There's a lot of people who are either suffering because early on, because maybe the job closed or now because maybe they aren't getting the job that they wanted. Right. You see a lot of retail opening up or maybe there's other things that are opening. I don't know. Every state is different. But you also see something new happening where I'm not getting into a vaccination conversation, but there's a lot of people who don't agree with having to their employers are mandating vaccinations. I just had this conversation with my wife last night where people are picketing because they're being mandated to vaccinate. So if they want to work and they have the right to protest and so forth, that's cool regardless of how you feel. The reason people are people get upset, but if they had control over their finances and could leave, then they could pick where they want to work. Somebody asked me, do you think jobs would be allowed to tell you to do that? I said, well, if you owned a company you'd like to have have a say in what rules go on in that business. But then people also have the right to choose to work there or not. So now it's more critical than ever that you align your values with the company values when you go to work there. I'm not saying companies should be allowed to mandate that you're vaccinated or so forth and so on. I'm trying to say I'm saying it's a long it's a it's a deeper conversation than that, than just yes or no. But regardless, that wouldn't matter if somebody had control over their financial situation, if they had six months of income saved and it didn't matter. They could leave and go find another spot. It wouldn't be quite the headache. You get what I'm saying. Did you talk to that as far as how how do you prepare yourself financially for things like this? Not just the pandemic, but things that come from the pandemic that people didn't foresee? Well, that is a very good question, because when the pandemic started, I saw this cascading effect of not just some of my clients that were worried, you know, about their investments, but a lot of majority, a lot of the new people who were becoming clients or some of them partners that were just really worried as to what was going on. And I realized that the people who generally have it, the worse are the people who you least expect it. Because they're in a position where they already have a particular lifestyle, that they're that that they have to me, so, you know, their rent may be a lot more than most people. Right. And also, they may have a mortgage or have multiple kids. So you would think that this person has it together or they're doing well, and then something unexpected happens, like, you know, there's some kind of illness that affects the global world. And now they're not working or they're completely out of a job and now they don't know what to do. And so one of the rules that I utilize is called a 60-40 split. Right. And I tell people, choose one, the 60 or the 40, whichever one you want. OK. Because it's not about me. It's about you. And the difference between a 60 40 split is you're going to save 60 percent or you're going to save 40 percent of your annual income. That's the goal that you want to get towards. OK. Now, it may be difficult. You may not be able to do that as soon as you first started. But we're going to work towards getting you there. OK. Now, why do I use a 60 60-40 split, you may ask? All right. So think about it like this. OK. People are asked to work 20, 30, 40 years in the workforce for an employer. Saving, I don't know, a certain amount within a pension plan or for one K. Right. To live off of once they retire. Another 20, 30 years, essentially, believe it or not, people's retirement years are on par with their earning years as well, almost on their earning years. OK, so they're asking you to live off about 40 percent of what you couldn't live off to begin with. Right. We call it the 40 40 rule. OK. Work for 40 years. OK. Just to just to, you know, live for another 40 years or for 40 percent of what you couldn't live off of in the beginning. Right. So a good example of that is ask yourself this question. I said earlier, the most important thing you can do is ask yourself questions. How many people are currently able to live off of 40 percent? In their retirement. From what they're currently making. And if that answer is not that many people, then how are they doing it? Hmm. How are they doing it? A good example of that is go to Wal-Mart or Home Depot. You know, Burger King, McDonald's, and ask yourself, is the person across the counter who is either at the cashier or working in the back or maybe pushing shopping carts in the parking lot? Do you notice that they're getting older and older every single year? Yeah. That should tell you that something is happening. It should. And if you're not paying attention, that you could be joining them when that time comes. So preparation is absolutely key because this is not retirement is not a test you can cram for it. Mm hmm. It is not at all. So the 60 40 rule is extremely important and it's good for you to understand. Right. You want to get to the point where you're saving at least 40 percent. I think sometimes people underestimate how much that cost to live once you hit sort of senior age. Everybody banks on, I'm going to pay off my home and then I'll be. But what happens? Right, you make the most money in your career typically between I think it's like 40 and 50, somewhere in that range. Thirty five, fifty five, something like that. So what happens in tailend and early 50s? People have to do this a lot. They buy a house like well, making so much money is getting new home 30 year note, right. Should have been a 15, but they put it on the 30 and then they can't retire. And then what else happens? Medical bills. And as we know, that gets harder and harder to handle. Every year, it doesn't matter who the president is. It always gets harder than never actually gets any easier. So it's not it's not about that. And I think most people highly underestimate how much it costs to live as outr. And not everybody has family to back them. Right. And who has kids like I have goals to make sure my parents, they do find themselves, but I don't know what it'll look like for them in 20 years. So shouldn't we obviously take out some of that? And and also a caveat. I saw Lafayette's face when I was talking about the when I was talking about should a company be allowed to be allowed to mandate vaccinations. I know my company does not mandate vaccinations. I was looking at me like, who are you getting this job? I'm like, someone's going to think that I'm that guy. No, I don't think that they should. I'm just saying that they have the ability to you know, it's a good thing that you brought up your parents, because I say this to parents all the time. And that is our job as parents. Right, is because life realistically, you know, when you have a family, it's a relay race now. So as you get married, you have a partner in that race where you have kids now you have other people running the race with you. The idea is to pass the baton to the next generation, not to have them start exactly where you started from. Yeah, there's their floras. My, my. What is it? My ceiling is my kids four. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Gil, what would you say to those that are drowning in debt? Hmm. Especially to those of us that have student loan debt and have been, you know, during the pandemic. All of these different things keep pushing, kicking your debt down the road, deferring, deferring, just, you know, not realizing you're still going to have to pay it. Right. What is the fastest way? What are some ways that we can eliminate that debt, whether that be student debt? John talked about home loans, those that are and those types of debt, credit card debt or whatever that debt looks like, whatever context it is, it all boils down to we owe money to some lender, somebody. What is the fastest way? Are some principles that we can apply to start knocking that debt down? OK, well, there is really no easy answer and there's really no magic pill to that. OK, OK. And I say that because I see it all the time. I once sat with this young lady. She had dual master's degrees. She had well over a hundred thousand dollars in student loans. And she didn't gross 100000 dollars a year. Not even close. Yes. And no place in this country. You know, and I was in I ask her that. What is your plan? Exactly. Right. You know, are you waiting for this, like magically disappear? You know, that's not the case. Somebody is going to pay for this, you know. And are you ready? Are you ready to deal with it? So this is what I generally advise people. And any form of debt situation, regardless of what makes them feel uncomfortable, because it's not about realistically what I think I asked the person, hey, how are you feeling? How are you doing? Because it's not about me. It's about them. Right. Some people are OK with particular kinds of debt, like owning a home. Right. You could potentially have equity in that home. Right. You could sell the home. You could Airbnb it, you could rent it out, do whatever, all different types of things. So it's all about creating leverage. And the only way that you can create leverage through that is. But of course, eventually bringing the debt down, but also investing at the same time. And I always utilize this analogy. If you lived in a house and. People were outside stoning it and destroying the outer exterior of the house. Do you repair it while they're, you know, breaking the house down, or do you get rid of those people outside? Right. So then you can begin building. Well, the truth is, is you can do both. Right. If you can save and invest at the same time, little by little, you can do both. The biggest commodity a person has, the most valuable thing anyone on this planet has is time. Because the last time I checked, when I went grocery shopping, they want to sell in three years and aisle six, right for half of they don't sell that. You can't get that back, you know. So you can spend time, you know, paying off debt, you know, and really, I seen people do a great job doing that. And absolutely you can. That is one hundred percent your choice. However, the time spent paying the debt off. Right. And getting to a comfortable place and, you know, eventually building up savings and all that other stuff. You can't get that time back. So then what what do you do then? Then you're kind of starting at a point which you didn't really want to be starting out, you know, you know, you ever heard older people say, I would if I knew what I know now, I would have started way back then. Well, you can start you can always start small and eventually build it up because a house isn't built in a day or stages to a home before it actually becomes something that people live in and have families and really create memories in. But people people generally don't want to do the work, and if you apply yourself and you do the work and you start small, maybe it's, I don't know, 50 bucks, a hundred dollars, two hundred dollars. Who knows how small you can start. I know. I started small. I started very small. But eventually, you know, I continue to build to build. Now I've created something that, you know, God forbid, knock on wood. I have, you know, a knucklehead in my blood line down the line years from here, my one of my great, great, great grandkids, they couldn't destroy what I built now. Because this is this is really something long lasting, and most people, you ask them, that's what they want. They want something that's long lasting, something that they can pass on to the next generation or something that they could build that provides them a level of security. To an extent, that money is not the primary concern for their life and it shouldn't be for anyone. You going on vacation to a particular place shouldn't be strictly dependent on how much it costs. Mm. Because the memories that that's going to create for yourself or for your family or whomever you're going with is priceless. I mean, you generally don't put a price on your family members or memories generally don't put a price on that. Right. And that's things that can realistically carry on through, you know, something to give you on to talk about. Hey, I've never been to this place and I had such a great time, you know, and it creates such a nostalgic feeling. And realistically, you know, life becomes better. It becomes more fun. It becomes more fun to have those experiences. And so realistically, you know, that's all with behavior. So are used to clarify, are you suggesting then that instead of 100 percent focus on paying down debt, it's put a put a plan in place to pay it down, but also at the same time, take a sliver of something and start building into whatever that investment would needs to be. Right. Whether it's a mutual fund type investments or property type investments or whatever, is that kind of what you're trying to say? It is, absolutely. Absolutely. And here's a great example. So let's say if a family has debt, OK, and they're working to pay off their debt. So what people fail to realize is that the most important financial asset that a family has is not the materials that they've accumulated in life. The most important family asset is the person who's earning the income for the family or the people earning the income for the family. And so understanding that if the most the most important asset, which is the person, doesn't have a certain level of protection. Right. Right, because, you know, men nine, nine times out of 10, they generally do either very liberalists work. We work really long hours and we do dangerous jobs. So a family losing the father, if he is the breadwinner, I don't know. It could be different for everyone. Right. It's on a case by case basis. Then what do you do? You lost that income every single year. Now, once you lose that income, do you continue to live in that house? Because it's common nowadays for to see people living in a household, middle incomes. In fact, most most places you need it living on a single income is very difficult. It's very difficult in a lot of places, right? And so what happens is, is when a person doesn't have a small nest egg for a rainy day. Right. Let's say, you know, they get four flats or something happens to the car, which they need to get to work. And they don't have three to six months of income, say, for unexpected expenses. They usually turn to what Visa and MasterCard, and they swipe five away, placing themselves further behind. They went they were already. That's good. You were talking about investing. What is your what are your thoughts around investing in cryptocurrency? Bitcoin? I think it has its place in the market, right? I think it's very it can be very confusing and it's very scary to some people. Just picture it like this. People have a hard time understanding the banking concepts that are in place today. How are they going to learn or understand block chain or smart contracts? It's realistically that realistically is a young person's game. That's why you see a lot of young people right in their thirties or younger or some forties are doing really well. And it is because they have the capacity to really learn about it. But who would generation makes up most a good portion of our population. And that's baby boomers and early generation X. You're talking about two 300 million people. How are you going to provide the same level of service to them? So I think that it has its place and it can work. Absolutely. It's been around for a very long time, longer than what most people think that it's been around for. It's been around for ages because it was utilized for other things before it became really mainstream. So it has this purpose, but I think it may take some time before it really takes off because, you know, you have a whole generation, if not two, that really are not there. They really don't know what they're doing. Right. And as a former trader running a trading desk, we always have this rule that 90 percent of retail investors lose 90 percent of their balance sheet within 90 days. Why? Because they don't know how to properly manage a portfolio. You know, so then would you would you suggest then, what kind of things do you suggest as somebody actually starts investing in? Is it hard, hard assets like, you know, you're talking about like homes, rentals, apartment type things, or more like mutual funds, things like that? Well. The most important thing when it comes to building is having a foundation. Whatever whatever it is that that person's goal is, is what's most important. So this is one of the reasons why when I sit with a person doing a financial needs analysis, which is really in-depth, detailed budget, right. It's like to the nines. It covers every single minute detail there is. Right. So we utilize the financial needs analysis and we structure it around what the person's goals are and then give them recommendations on where they might want to look at. Right. And if they want to go with our recommendations, we can then help them with that. But the most important thing is asking the person, what exactly is it that you want? Because a lot of times what ends up happening is people are generally just get advice or they're told to do something. But a lot of people are not asking them, hey, how are you doing? What does what do you want for your life? What do you want for your family? How do you envision the future for your children? Right. So it's hard to say in what particular asset to. To invest in, because really you don't have the the you know, the picture and one size does not fit all. What may be good for one family or one person may be completely different, you know, and so it all depends. It's a good answer how it works for that particular family. But if it does, then that is the appropriate thing, as long as it is within the best interests of that person. Absolutely. That's what we want you all to stay connected to, Gil Hisense, one of the ways that you can do that is by following him on his Instagram page at Hisense. G.S. That as H y ASOh in SGC on Instagram, you also can email him at Guil, Hisense at Lineage, Elda dot com. Now, Gil, you have an upcoming Zom webinar, I believe, this coming Wednesday. Tell us a little bit more about that. Well, on Wednesday, this webinars realistically going to be focused on exactly what it means to understand three basic concepts of finance. And it could be applied to anything, whether it's personal business, whatever the case may be. So when I focus on is educating people on the way compound interest works, how we can work for you and how we can work against you. Right. Because Albert Einstein says that there's two kinds of people, people who understand interests and people who pay it. Right. So if you understand that you earn it, lmf, you don't you pay it. Right. Which is a second person. So you can't do both. You can he's going to be doing one or the other. Right. And so which one do you want to do? Right at the current moment. And where are you currently at the current moment? And the second will be how many grows the distinctive ways in which and patterns in which money grows in educating them on the options available. And generally, we find that people generally only know about a handful of ways that money grows. And so after educating them on that, when we talk about taxes, how money gets tax. Right. And the different financial programs and products excuse me, that I utilize. To help people grow money or essentially tax how the money gets tax right before the money goes into the program or afterwards or not at all. OK, and so after educating them on these things and every particular topic of the three rules of money, we asked, we asked the question, what do you think? How would you like it for your family? Do you like it this way or do you like it that way? And so the answers in which the person gives. Outlines exactly what they want their future to look at. And so at the end of it, I just ask a simple question. If we can show you or educate you on how to get from where you're currently at to where you want to be, are you open to seeing what that would look like? Follow unscripted on our social media platforms, Facebook, unscripted, authentic leadership podcast. Also, you can follow us on Twitter, an unscripted lead Instagram at unscripted leadership. And also, you can find us on our LinkedIn page on Strether Authentic Leadership Podcast. Those of that are not a part of our watching audience, but you're part of our listening audience. You can stream our podcast on any platform that podcasts are provided on from Apple's podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pandor Ihar Radio, Stitcher, wherever you string your podcast type in unscripted authentic leadership podcast. You can find us there. Also sign up for a mastermind group on our website Unscripted. That's leadership dot com. This is for those of you that are leaders, that are mentors, that are coaches, that are looking for a place to network. You're looking for a place to have an intimate setting, to brainstorm, to have think tanks to be poured into, to point out others. We have that just for you on unscripted. That's leadership. Dot com. And while you're there on our website, check out our Merche. And sign up for our email group that will keep you updated on everything that's going on here on Unscripted. When you sign up for that email group, you'll receive a 10 percent off Mirch call that is available right there on unscripted. That's leadership dot com. Again, we say thank you to our special guest. Gil Heise is on this incredible conversation that we've had today about securing your financial future. As always, we pray that you be the leader that God has called you to be. We're here to build bridges and not walls. Bridges connect, walls divide. Until next time. God bless you.

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