Designed for Life

Designed for Life - In conversation with Paul Jenkins

Tony Ryan CEO Design & Technology Association Season 2 Episode 12

Imagine taking two of your passions in life and turning them into a successful business. This is what Triple Double Studio Founder and Creative Designer Paul Jenkins has achieved in many ways. 
Paul has always set his own path. A careers interview towards the end of his GCSEs did not go well. He went in with a plan and was bluntly informed that he would fail if he didn't drop this and take a more conventional route through A Levels. His response "I stopped listening before the end of the interview; I knew what I had to do". 
Triple Double takes Paul's two passions in life, basketball and design and combines them in a way that empowers young people. In his words, "We are a creative studio that unleashes how youth engage in sport and education, using the power of design and creativity to transform their lives." 

Paul believes that if we listen, really listen to the needs, fears and aspirations of young people; we can work creatively with them to effect real change, a process that Paul calls Co-Creation. 

This is an inspirational story of a studio working differently and with a set of values running through its very core. So sit back, put your headphones on and listen to Designed for Life in conversation with Paul Jenkins. 

This podcast has been recorded with the help of our sponsors, The Edge Foundation inspiring the education system to give all young people across the UK the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to flourish in their future life and work, and PTC Onshape Providing industry-standard cloud-based CAD to education

We are indebted to both The Edge and PTC Onshape for their continued support.