Designed for Life

In conversation with Iolo Jones

Tony Ryan CEO Design & Technology Association Season 1 Episode 15

Lolo Jones is chair of ELS, a company that describes itself as the expert in "experience learning". The company uses the latest technologies in XR, VR and AR to measure learners as they are experiencing learning, enabling better metrics and better learning outcomes. 

Lolo has founded a number of companies, including Sutton Jones Multimedia, leading system integrator Interactive 1, online video pioneer Narrowstep, and was most recently Chair of rights management cloud specialists, Rights Tracker. Lolo has degrees in Radio, Film & TV and Educational Broadcasting and sat on the Course Board at film & TV college Ravensbourne for nearly a decade.

In this conversation, we discuss how technology can be used to transform the learning experience for students, explore the type of curriculum content required for success in a technology-rich world and discuss a new learning platform that ESL were on the verge of delivering when we recorded this podcast.

Please note that this podcast was recorded before Christmas 2020 and therefore has a couple of dated references to the Brexit vote (days after recording) and the Christmas season!  

ELS can be found at