Popmundial Radio (main podcast platform) - Music from Around the World

POPMUNDIAL MEMORIES: Last Showtime for Rainer Wallraf - March 25th, 1999

Joachim Bohne

from our EARLY  beginnings,
a production made at T12 of broadcasting house in Munich for

Bayerischer Rundfunk
Radio 2
sound engeneer: Ingrid Hecker (BR)

originally broadcasted Thursday March 25th, 1999 at 11pm

It is a showdown for Rainer, an influencer and mentor for myself, me Yours the producer Joe, at the same time an honour to produce his last ever show for the BR.

At the same time it is  reviewing parts of my life between 1976 to 1999 what helped to form what we know now as Popmundial, which was called Euroshowtime at that stage and got funding by the European Commission and support by the Bavarian head of State, Edmund  Stoiber.

DJ Bohne
RBB / formerly ORB/Antenne Brandenburg
Bayerischer Rundfunk
Rainer Wallraf

With contributions by
Peter Weck, Vienna (theatre producer)
Harold Prince, N.Y.C.(theatre producer)
Michael Kunze, Florida (writer, musician)

Note: this show is completly presented in German language

sound engeneer: Ingrid Hecker (BR)