Dare to Be Human
Dare to Be Human
How Much is Too Much? Tom Floyd on Transparency, Feedback and Sushi
Tom Floyd's company, Flouracity, creates " space for managers, leaders and other mammals to grow." He comes to this venture after years inside a number of large and wildly successful companies, the most recent, a fast-paced, fast-growth environment where radical prioritization and charting one's own course is imperative.
Tom shares the story of his shock when he learned what his manager was really thinking. Relating to the learning from this story of unvarnished communication, Tom describes his love of feedback and more. This is a discussion of awareness and growth, pubic persona vs. private reality, what we mean by "transparency", and deliberate consciousness. "Not many people think about what's going on inside them a lot; they're just going , getting through the day."
Listen in on this conversation with a fascinating, complex, and thoughtful human!