NatWest Commercial and Institutional

FX Monthly Webinar - July 2022

NatWest Corporates and Institutions

Slipping Away – More monetary tightening ahead but the skies darken over the global economy 

Join Neil Parker, NatWest Markets FX Strategist, to hear about the market developments over recent weeks. (This webinar was recorded on 6 July 2022.)

In June, the US and UK raised interest rates, while the European Central Bank hinted strongly at a hike. As concerns over inflation remain paramount to central banks across the globe, there’s also some indication that the Federal Reserve and Bank of England are worried about the downturn in activity. 

So what’s happening in the global economy and to inflation trends? Will we see a recovery in risk appetite? Will governments be able to alleviate the pain of the cost of living squeeze? Neil gives his insights into what is happening on the markets and macroeconomics.
The Q&A is not available in this edition of the recording.

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We sometimes use a few acronyms in our videos. Here's a list of the key terms: 
BoE  Bank of England
CBI  Confederation of British Industry
CDU/CSU  Christlich-Demokratische Union/Christlich-Soziale Union
CIPS  Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply
CPI  Consumer Price Index
CRB  Commodity Research Bureau 
CTA  Commodity trading adviser 
ECB  European Central Bank
FOMC Federal Open Market Committee
FX  Foreign exchange
GDP  Gross Domestic Product
GFK  Growth from Knowledge (consumer research)
IFO  Information and Forschung / Germanys Institute for Economic Research
ILO  International Labour Organisation 
IMF  International Monetary Fund
ISM  Institute for Supply Management
JOLTS Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey
MHRA Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
MPC  Monetary Policy Committee
NAHB   National Association of Home Builders
OBR  Office for Budget Responsibility 
OECD  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 
PEPP  Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme
PIPS  Percentage in point
PMI  Purchasing Managers' Index
PNSB  Public Net Sector Borrowing
RICS  Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 
QE  Quantitative Easing
VAT  Value Added Tax
WTO  World Trade Organization
ZEW  Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung / Germany's Sentiment Index