The No Frills VA Podcast

Katie Wright: Your Experience Is Relevant

Season 3 Episode 8

Katie Wright is an AVA member and a new VA business owner. Katie has only been in for 3 months and already has 3 clients! In this podcast, Katie shares wisdom beyond her VA years proving that you may be new to being a business owner but that doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch. Katie shares her success tips which are great tips no matter how long you’ve been in business!


In this week’s episode, Katie shares:

1:40 Katie’s background prior to becoming a VA;

2:20 How COVID extended Katie’s WFH situation;

2:35 How Katie’s search for purpose brought her to a niche;

3:40 Katie’s understanding of a niche that wasn’t scary;

6:17 What made Katie pull the trigger to start her VA business;

10:54 What Katie was most afraid of when she started her business;

12:45 How Katie set herself up for success;

20:25 How Katie got her first client

27:54 What gave Katie the confidence to know she was successful as a VA;

31:53 Where Katie’s mindset is now versus when she first started;

34:55 How being a member of the AVA has helped Katie;

36:50 Katie’s advice to new VAs

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Mentioned in the show:

Become A Successful Virtual Assistant: Learn the Business Side & Ditch 9 to 5 by Melissa Smith


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