Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

She Got the Raise... the Title... and the Respect

February 16, 2022 Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC
Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC
She Got the Raise... the Title... and the Respect
Show Notes


Are you owning your value enough?

If that question made you take a pause, it’s ok. Not voicing our value or owning our worth has happened to most of us at one time or another.

But, it doesn’t have to. 

According to DiversityWomen Media, ‘Women are often less assertive than men in the workplace and tend to apologize or minimize the importance of what they say when they do speak up-even female executives in meetings with their peers.’

Part of the challenge is that owning our value is a counterculture for many of us.

That was the case for Sue (not her real name:), a 1:1 Limitless Leader client of mine who is a female senior executive in finance. She had a 30-minute call scheduled for her annual review. The call was actually 10 minutes (...her boss was 10 minutes late and left 10 minutes early.) 

She was rated as ‘far exceeds’ due to the growth of her line of business and progress on major (new) initiatives that she’s now responsible for. ‘Far exceed’ ratings by her boss are extremely rare. This should be great news for a new title, impressive bonus, and substantial raise, right?

Nope. No new title, bonus decreased, and her raise was underwhelming at best.

When I asked, ‘What did you want?’, she described what ‘would have been ok or better.'

I asked again. ‘What did you want?’ ‘I mean what did you really want and know in your heart that you deserve?’ Most importantly, I asked ‘How did you want to feel?’

Her answers to these questions the second time were very different. 

She said, ‘I want the new title.’ She was also explicit about the bonus and raise that she wanted. 

She got clear and learned how to be confident that these ‘asks’ were small prices to pay for her work over the previous year and what she’ll deliver in 2022. 

She emailed her boss and asked to schedule the remaining time for her annual review. 

(NOTE: When at all possible, make sure ALL money/compensation conversations are live and not via email).

She got clear on what she wanted and deserved, owned her value, and learned how to communicate it to her boss in a compassionate yet confident way.

Guest what?

She got the title. She got the raise. She got a bonus that was ‘bananas’. Most importantly, she felt valued and respected. 

You can too!

Here’s how to get started:

Acknowledge and validate the perspective of your boss
(what’s important to him/her)

Example: ‘I can only imagine the pressure you were under by your boss and that 20% growth last year was vital. I’m glad myself and my team were able to contribute and over-deliver.’

Lead with facts
(data, indisputable facts.)

Example: ‘Here are the actual numbers and exactly where the growth came from.’ ‘Also, here’s a detailed projection on how we’ll replicate this coming year.’

Be explicit with your ask and own it
(Be very clear about what you really want and PRACTICE making this ‘ask’ more than you think you need to.)

Example: ‘Based on our shared goal and this data, doesn’t it seem that xxx is more than reasonable?’

Communicate a win/win
(Your job isn’t done if you get what you ask for:). Make your boss feel like your ‘ask’ was more than worth it.)

Example: ‘I appreciate your generosity. Based on my numbers and results, it was well warranted, and I’ll look forward to exceeding expectations in the coming year.’
Watch the video at the top to learn more...

While the above doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get what you want and deserve every time, owning your value and being more vocal about your contribution is an important place to start.

If this content will serve you individually or your organization, let's have a chat!  http://www.sherylkline.com/getacquainted

Cheering you on always!