Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

Part 2: Strategies to Lead in the New Normal - an Interview with Amy Protexter

February 17, 2022 Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC


In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Amy Protexter (Senior Vice President, Marketing at Insight), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Be willing to roll up your sleeves, learn about a different vertical that you might want to get into
  • Be an avid learner, avid reader, figure things out, and then if you’re jumping into a new role with a different vertical, see how you’re able to translate your skills into how you can help that company
  • One of the most necessary leadership skill sets going forward coming out of the last couple of years is empathy
  • It’s really about that deep listening, that empathetic approach, as a leader, I definitely think those are going to be skills that will be super important... they’re things you sort of have to nurture in yourself
  • You are the CEO of your own life. And if you think about your decisions (your why, where you want to be, and what you want to do) it gives people pause “what do I really want? And how do I get to where I want?”
  • Have the courage to find your voice. Speak up and go for it!
  • Step away briefly… find moments during the day to go clear your head, take a walk around the block, make sure you’re taking care of yourself
  • It’s really about making time and prioritizing that self-care, and stepping away and make sure you’re recharging and renewing. 
  • Personally challenging yourself and your team to get back to creativity and innovation. And that energy that comes with that. 
  • Be ambitious
  • Find opportunities to renew and reshape our thoughts, not only about what’s important, or what’s next, but also about what’s possible. 
  • Challenging ourselves every single day to take one bolder step, whatever that might be for you, will help us emerge from this fog of the last few years

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