Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

How Women in Tech Can Push Through Bias and Become an Authority - an Interview with Gretchen O'Hara

Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC


In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Gretchen O'Hara (Channel Chief, Vice President Worldwide Channels & Alliances at Splunk), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared: 

-- You don’t have to have everything figured out, just a vision and the first step.
-- Start talking about what you want. Put it out into the universe consistently, and see who emerges to help you!
-- Learn from the ‘no’s’, dust off, and keep going.
-- When considering a big leap, be careful about whose opinion you accept to listen to.
-- Don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there and taking on new challenges.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherylkli...) AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at www.SherylKline.com. #limitlessleader​​ #womenwholead​​ #sherylkline​​ #splunk