Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

How to Make Shift Happen - an Interview with Anthony Trucks

Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC


In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Anthony Trucks (coach, speaker, author, former NFL player and CEO of Identity Shift), here are a few of the wisdom gems he shared:

  • You’re here for a reason bigger than what you actually realize
  • Make a real difference and really be heard and have impact
  • A special mindset is required that has courage (not just to make the shift) but to be resilient and to keep going when other people might quit
  • If that experience you have inside does not match your outside, it’s time to make an identity shift
  • The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement
  • It’s a matter of looking at your identity as a way to upgrade how you operate

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at www.SherylKline.com. #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline #anthonytrucks #identityshift