Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

Making Sure Your Tech is Simple, Scalable and Secure - an Interview with Mihaela Mazzenga

Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC


In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Mihaela Mazzenga (Chief Technology Officer, The Sharper Image), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • It’s important to understand a narrative as events happen around you. But also understand that your journey isn’t going to be the same as anyone else.
  • A reminder women in tech, to just be yourself and to execute how you can execute best. The outcome is going to be whatever you put your best foot forward to be.
  • Tech is progressing to become more and more cloud based, you can use that for competency and build on top of it.
  • Get rid of the noise around you. Whether that’s a narrative or on expectations, or what others think about you.
  • Really take that personal responsibility, and develop yourself and also start aligning yourself with people that can support you.

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