Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

Building Diversity in Tech - an Interview with Nikkia Carter

June 09, 2021 Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC


In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Nikkia Carter (Worldwide Modern Work and Security Tech Strategy Lead, Microsoft), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Make sure you negotiate your salary at the range that you should be in and make it non-negotiable.
  • Tech leaders should teach young adults in impoverished situations or who have low education, and get them into tech.
  • The mindset is within determination and believing in yourself.
  • Demonstrate for other people and just put yourself out there.
  • If something’s important to you, despite not having all the answers. You will figure it out, just be patient with yourself.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at www.SherylKline.com. #limitlessleader​​ #womenwholead​​ #sherylkline​​ #microsoft