Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC

Lacking Control of Your Schedule and Productivity?

August 17, 2021 Sheryl Kline M.A., CHPC
Fearless Female Leadership Podcast with Sheryl Kline, M.A. CHPC
Lacking Control of Your Schedule and Productivity?
Show Notes

Have you ever had a day where you had so many meetings that there was no time to strategize or do YOUR work (not to mention fit in a morning routine)? If you feel like you’re lacking control of your schedule and productivity, that can be frustrating and exhausting. If this sounds familiar, I hear this about 10 times a week in private and confidential sessions, in group trainings and in chat rolls that are lit up with these types of comments, so you’re most definitely not alone!

We need to pause that right now.


According to Passport Health, a corporate wellness company, if this is not addressed, there can be physical and psychological health consequences as well as serious and deleterious effects on profitability. The ripple effect of this can be staggering for a region or an entire company.

When it comes to YOU, you’re needed now more than ever. Your expertise, your passion and compassion, your leadership, and your G-d given right (and possibly obligation if you’re with me on this one) to surrender to what you are being called to do NOW.

Your ability to gain clarity and create a plan to work on what matters most will not come from a place of reaction to other people’s needs and from feeling overwhelmed.


Here’s the thing. Ambitions change. Life changes. Our level of awareness changes. Our mission changes. What we are willing to acquiesce to changes. If there is a silver lining from the last year and a half (and counting), it’s that life is short, and it is fragile. We want to matter, and we want to enjoy it.


It’s the perfect time to pause and make a shift, small or large! Maybe it’s a shift in your workday or in your morning routine (or to establish a morning routine:) or maybe you have to have a major and potentially risky conversation about boundaries and expectations.

Regardless, Q3 is an excellent time to slow down, so you can speed up for the remainder of the year.

[FREE LIVE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP] “Productivity, Impact, and Beating Overwhelm in Q3/Q4: Build a 90 Day Plan”

In my (FREE-yay!) live community workshop this Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. PT, I’ll be sharing how to do this. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Stories you may be telling yourself that keep you stuck 
  2. Your calendar and what is likely your #1 energy drain  
  3. A 90-plan that can get you unstuck

Go ahead and register now. This will be an interactive event, so please bring your pens, print out of your weekly calendar, and a notebook.

See you Thursday!
- Sheryl