Industry 45 - From the Drum Throne

Industry 45 Quick Spin feat. Zach Bair | FULL

September 08, 2020 Zach Bair Season 2 Episode 19

From the Home of the Blues----the Birthplace of Rock and Roll (that would be Memphis, Tenn) The Industry 45 Show chats with Zach Bair. For years Zach has been a fixture in the Music Technology Space. Not only did Zach sell Immediatek to Mark Cuban in 2006 but his current company VNUE is rolling out technology to help ensure songwriters and compensated for music played in public spaces.

Zach has his own band on the rise and a brand new single called "Ordinary Girl". The single was released tying in with AFSP for National Suicide Prevention Month. (official video Ordinary Girl)