Industry 45 - From the Drum Throne

Industry 45 Quick Spin feat. Patrick James Clark (Cdn Country Songwriter) | FULL

Shane Christopher Neal Season 3 Episode 1

Patrick James Clark is going all in on 2021. 2020 was a trying time for all artists, but it provided an unprecedented opportunity to reflect and refine. Clark did just that by taking a deep dive into his songwriting craft and working tirelessly to dial in his vocal sound. He left 2020 with having multiple songs cut by up-and-coming Canadian Artists and an entire catalogue of new music for his own project. His forthcoming release 'For The Record' only further solidifies his brand and style within the country music scene. Taking elements from artists like Old Dominion and Thomas Rhett, the stage is set for a break-out year.

Patrick will release his new single "For The Record" January 29 2021