Smarter Software Outsourcing

20. Leadership Conversation with Arcanys co-founder Frederic Joye


This episode was first released on the Leadership Conversations show, where I chatted with Australia-based podcaster and fellow leadership development expert, Jonno White, about what being a leader means today.

We talk about leadership being so much more than just influencing people and organizations, and I explain why I think it must hold values and carry meaning to inspire.
Specifically, we discuss:

[0:00] Intro
[1:39] Background and founding of Arcanys
[3:18] How Fred's childhood moments shaped the leader he is today
[5:37] First steps towards Leadership & Entrepreneurship
[10:54] Leading 300 people: differences, revelations and pivotal moments
[12:52] Co-founding Arcanys: the entrepreneurial journey
[22:52] Breaking through the 50-employee ceiling to achieve growth
[24:37] To leaders out there hitting the same ceiling and looking to scale their team: balance your resources to avoid bottlenecks
[27:50] Leadership Express: favourite reads, podcasts, the role of CrossFit, and more
[29:46] Best piece of advice ever received
[32:58] Impactful movies & TV shows
[35:55] Connecting with Fred & discovering Arcanys

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