Smarter Software Outsourcing

6. 7 reasons why software development outsourcing is even more relevant after COVID-19


It’s clear that today’s pandemic is destabilizing businesses and pushing many of them to rethink not only their cost structure but also the way they operate and deliver. For CTOs and executives trying to think through their potential COVID-19 response options more proactively, handing over software development to another company appears as a solid strategic choice. Today, I've listed down seven reasons why the pandemic makes software development outsourcing more relevant than ever.

[0:00] Intro to “7 reasons why software development outsourcing is even more relevant after COVID-19”
[0:56] The difficult equation of delivering more while spending less has never been that great
[3:31] Well prepared team can deliver successfully sprints without being together
[6:06] A good outsourcing environment brings so much more than just remote work
[8:12] Hiring in-house is now harder and costlier than ever
[11:01] In such uncertain times having flexible resources is the key to ensuring sustainable operations
[13:30] Surround yourself with people you can trust
[16:04] Progress tracking: it has never been easier to communicate with counterparts and teammates

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