THE Study Abroad Pod

Season 2 - #6: What's It Like Studying Abroad During COVID-19?

May 13, 2021 USAC Marketing

In this episode, hosts Kate and Nicole chat with USAC Chile and England Alumna Anna Shoultz as she shares her experience studying abroad during the pandemic in Spring 2020 and Spring 2021.

Curious about what it's like to live abroad now? Want to know what to expect? Anna shares her insights on traveling, quarantine, COVID restrictions abroad, and why she pushed forward on her dreams despite the challenges. 

You can also learn more about her London experience in her blog, "London in Lockdown – Studying Abroad During COVID" and her viewpoints on sustainability.

Ready to go abroad? Find upcoming program statuses and deadlines here.  

Have an idea for a future episode or just want to learn more about study abroad? Email us at