CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket Podcast

Ynystawe Cricket Club


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This week’s episode is all about Ynystawe Cricket Club.  We met with the following members of the club to chat about its past as well as its present:

Phil Rowe

Lewis Rowe

Ian Evans

Ceri Evans

Steve Beasley

Jason Kiley

Paul Crane

The club has its origins back in the 1950s when the then club officials bought the freehold of the ground.  Its initial clubhouse was a couple of changing rooms and a lean to shed as the tea room.  The replacement facilities (a set of portacabins) suffered a fire in the late 1990s when they planned and built the current fantastic clubhouse with support from various organisations including the Lottery as well as fundraising by players and locals in the village.

The highpoint for the senior team was a winning appearance in the National Village Cup in 2001.  The gents talk about this as well as the other achievements of the various senior teams.  The club’s success in the early 2000s and after was put down to a very successful emphasis on junior cricket and the club had a ‘golden’ period of junior cricket in the 1990s.

We hear about the village of Ynystawe, characters who have played for the club and the overwhelming pride that these players have for their club.

Anyone wanting to learn more about the club or to book its wonderful facilities can contact them via their Facebook Page or their Twitter feed (ynystawe_ycc)