CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket Podcast

Miskin Manor Cricket Club


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 In this episode we talk to Gwilym Balinger and Keith Davies, longstanding members of the club and Val Whiteley,  proud recipient of the Clubperson of the Year Award.

Gwilym talks about the early days of his cricketing career that included a brief contact with Wilf Wooller.

Keith sets out the history of the club as a gift from the Rhys-Williams family.  What was originally a peppercorn rent is now a more commercial arrangement.

The ground was named after the son of Sir Brandon Rhys-Williams family who died during the war.  The ground was named Glyn Park in his honour.

Gwilym remembers some of the characters that have helped build the club in the past and his emergence as a cricketer for the club.  

Val Whiteley talks about her trail blazing work as a member of the committee at Miskin Manor and the changing atmosphere at the club with more women getting involved and taking up officer positions on the committee.

She talks about how she began to understand the game and slowly fall in love with it and encourages other women to come down and get involved.  She also sets out the plans for the development of the club.

Gwilym, Keith and Val remain as committed as ever to cricket and the club.