CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket Podcast

From Soweto to Ynysygerwn


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In 1995 the first all black South African cricket side came on a history making tour of the UK.  With the assistance of local MP and anti apartheid campaigner Peter Hain, the Soweto Cricket Club came to Ynysygerwn early in July of that year.

We talk to Peter about growing up in South Africa, his campaign to stop the South African rugby and cricket teams from touring in Britain and his latest book, co written with historian Andre Odendaal.  He reflects on how symbolically important the Tour and game at Ynys were.

We talk to Gordon Templeton, one of the black cricketers on that Tour and his memories of the day as well as Khaya Majola the black South African cricketer who did so much for multi-racial cricket in his country.

We also talk to four of the Ynysygerwn team who played against Soweto.  Steve Williams, Huw Jenkins, Neil Davies and Mike Haswell reflect on their careers and the importance of cricket in their lives.