CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket Podcast

I've got a stat for you - An interview with author Andrew Edwards


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Andrew was born in 1984.   At the age of four, in April 1989, he was diagnosed with autism. 

“Go home and watch Rain Man,” the specialist told his mother. “In all probability your son will be institutionalised.” 

Determined to prove the specialist wrong, his mother, Hazel Davies, set out to give her son the best life possible. 

Raised in a single parent household and encountering bureaucracy, bullying and a lack of understanding from many he came across,  Andrew emerged from a turbulent childhood to win a Welsh National Young Volunteer Award and secure his dream job as a Broadcast Statistician at Manchester United Television.

After leaving MUTV after eleven and a half years in April 2014, he secured a book deal with Bennion Kearny Publishing to write his memoir entitled “I’ve Got a Stat for You - My Life with Autism”. This was following an interview on his life with Welsh broadcaster John Humphrys on BBC Radio Four’s flagship Today Programme.

Andrew talks about his experiences including his time watching, following and playing cricket at Chirk Cricket Club.

Sadly, Andrew's mother passed away shortly before Christmas 2020.  This episode is dedicated to her memory.